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Dad has been acting strange for the past week and I have no idea why though. I didn't do anything wrong, except make a potion explode. By accident, it generally was an accident I misread an ingredient. But anyway that wouldn't have made him this strange, this quiet, withdrawn from the world. He's mean to everyone and never shows emotion that's him but with me, he's the complete opposite and even in front of students and teachers he's still the Dad I know and love. Except for the past week, it's like I'm a regular student to him and not his daughter.

"It's my Mum's birthday tomorrow" Harry speaks as we take our seats

"We can do something for it, if you like" Ron suggests

I notice Dad's expression changed, he looked sad. Why would he be sad at that? Did he know Harry's mum?

"What's wrong Louise?"

"I need to see Dumbledore. He must be able to tell me why Dad is acting differently"

"I doubt it but we can try"

Dumbledore's office - 15 minutes after arriving 

Eventually, Dumbledore sighs and agrees to let us look into Dad's past. I remain silent as I watch what is being shown, Dad was such a cutie pie as a kid.

"That's my Mom and Dad" Harry speaks

I remain calm but my fists are clenched, James Potter was a bully. He bullied my dad, how dare he!

"The night he who shall not be named, the night you got the scar" Hermonie speaks

"Snape was there?" Harry speaks shocked

The memory stops and we just see ourselves again.

"Louise, I'm sorry. I'm shocked my dad was like that"

"He loved Lily! He said he loved my mum and always will!" I yell as I back away from the pensive

"Louise he does" Dumbledore speaks

"What I just saw shows different! How could he!"

I run off and go straight to his classroom hoping he hasn't left for lunch yet. Luckily he hasn't but is close to finishing tidying up.

"How could you!" I yell as I walk up to him

"How could I what?" He asks looking at me emotionless

"You've been funny cause tomorrow is your lovers birthday!" I yell even louder

"Do not yell at me"

"You said you loved mum, you lied. You love a girl that married your bully. I can't believe you did that! Mom never moved on after you left, she could've moved on and been happy with someone else. She would still be alive if she did that but no being the kind women that she is, she stayed faithful to you although you didn't love her!"

Louise SnapeWhere stories live. Discover now