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"Evil Snape"

"Shut it Malfoy!"

"What you gonna do about it?"

"You like to humiliate people, I'll do it back to you"

"Really? I highly doubt that" he smirks

I smirk back and get to thinking, the next thing he's in nothing except his boxers which causes everyone to laugh. But I'm not evil so I get his clothes back and the fact I'll probably get detention if I left him without his clothes.

"You'll pay for that Snape"

"Oh yeah? Well bring it on"

"You'll get it, you're evil just like that father of yours"

"Don't you dare bring my Dad into it"

"Why? Scared it's the truth? He left you"

"No, he didn't, you don't know anything"

"You haven't seen him in 5 years, he's evil and you're just like him"

I punch him in the face causing him to fall onto the ground and I pin him down as I repeatedly punch him

"I've had enough of your crap. You better back off and never ever say a bad word about my father again" I scream at him as I keep punching him.

"Move out the way" Dumbledores voice yells as he makes his way through the crowd followed by some professors including Dad.

Dad pulls me off Draco and keeps a tight hold of my arm dragging me to his classroom

"Explain!" He yells, which is scary must I add

"He called you evil"

"And? That's not an excuse to beat someone else. I expected better from you"

"He's been getting on my nerves for months and wouldn't back off so I make him back off. He can call me Evil Snape all he wants, but when he talks about my family that's crossing the line."

"Months? Why didn't you tell me?"

"I was dealing with it myself. I'm sorry"

I look up at him watching him pace back and forth

"He knows I haven't seen you in 5 years."

"A lot of people know that Louise"

"But I didn't like it when he calls you evil"

"It isn't much of an insult"

"It is to me, anything negative said about people I love and like is an insult. Have you done something bad?"

"What do you mean?"

"Everyone finds you scary and grumpy. Why?"

"I don't know, Anyway off you go dinner starts in a few minutes" he smiles patting my head

"Don't pat my head, I'm not a dog"

He ignores me and I make my way to the Great Hall. 

"She punched my eye so hard I nearly went blind"

"Poor Draco, that evil girl will pay for it" Pansy speaks as she fusses over Draco

I roll my eyes and continue walking which was difficult as I wanted to stop and put the facts straight but that would just annoy Dad even more so I decided against it. I just hope that maybe now Draco can leave me alone. 

"Do you have detention?" Ron asks once I've sat down 

"No, well I don't think so anyway"

"Hey Louise, what's this I hear about you nearly making Malfoy blind?" George asks as him and Fred arrives

"Oh my god, I didn't even punch his eye that hard, his cheek, however."

"You should've then he would be less annoying if he can't see the people to insult" Fred smirks 

"Lucius would murder me. He's probably going to be close to murdering Dad because I tapped his  son's face a few times"

"A few times? You went in for the kill like a lion" Hermione speaks up

"Well the lion is our house logo" I shrug and begin to eat my food. 

After I've finished my food I decided to go and spend the evening in the library doing my homework where I'll have no distractions and can't be dragged into any suspicious activity Harry will end up taking part in. 

I don't think Dad would be too pleased if I was to cause any more trouble for today, therefore, the library is the best safest option for me. 

Louise SnapeWhere stories live. Discover now