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I'm currently running through the corridors to get away from Malfoy and his minions, we had yet again another argument so I ended up turning his hair pink to get him to leave me alone.

I quickly turn and enter some random door and close the door, I hear them run past but it's safer to stay in here for a little while. I turn and walk more into the classroom, wait it isn't a classroom, it's empty except something hidden behind a large sheet. I pull the sheet off and see a mirror, it suddenly shows Dad. I turn around but he isn't there, when I look back in the mirror he's still there.

"Ah I see you've found the mirror of eased"

I turn and see Dumbledore there smiling with his eyes twinkling behind the half moon glasses.

"What does it do?"

"It shows our hearts deepest desires"

"Harry mentioned this before, he said it's been destroyed"

"He was told it so he wouldn't go looking for it again"

I sigh and look back in the mirror

"What do you see?" He asks coming closer

"I see my Dad, he's how I remembered him being. Not the cold man he is today"

"Your heart desires a fathers love. You already got that Louise, Severus may not show it but he does love you"

"I just wish he made me feel like he does, I'm going to go now"

"Goodbye Louise" he smiles

I smile and leave the room, as soon as I get half way through the court yard I see Malfoy walking towards me "there she is, get her" he yells and they all stat running.

I turn on my heels and run off towards the forest, oh did I add the fact he has Pansy as a minion too now?

I get to a tree and hide behind it as I catch my breath, why can't he leave me alone? Crap I'm in so much trouble with dad now cause just wait until Lucius hears about what I did. He was so mad when he found out I punched him a few times.

It's silent, they've gone thankfully. Wrong, I'm now in the air oh and upside down.

"Put me down, now!"

"Ok" he laughs and break the spell causing me to immediately fall to the ground, which extremely hurt too. I manage to get up and fast walk off but of course they follow me.

I start to run knowing it's gonna hurt my leg more but I have no choice. I reach the black lake and keep running knowing soon after the lake they will give up as they've never been this far in the forest before.

"And where do you think you're going" Pansy smirks grabbing hold of my shoulder

"Get off me, when will you realize Draco doesn't love you back? You're teeth is too disgusting for him"

I shouldn't of said that, she pushed me into the lake. I try to get out but failed as I'm a weak swimmer.

I see someone coming towards me, Draco. He grabs hold of me and brings me out of the lake.

"What the hell Pansy! You could've killed her" he yells at her

"Good, that was the aim"

"Snape would've had us all in Azkaban or killed if she died!"

I cough up water then I pull myself away from Draco "wait til my father hears about this" and with that I walk away


"Stay away from me" I scream in Draco's face

He looks taken aback and he stays still as I walk off. Half way back my leg just gives up and I fall to the ground. Great. I sit against the tree and let the tears finally escape,

"Louise? What are you doing this far in the forest?"

I look up and see the Trio looking down at me

"What happened?"

"Why are you all wet?"

"Draco and his minions. I'm wet because pansy pushed me in the lake"

Hermione kneels down and hugs me "come on let's get you inside"

"I can't, my leg really hurt"

"We'll help you" Ron smiles and they help me up

We get to the hospital wing and I get taken to a bed, my leg is broken. Well this is fun.

"Do you want anything?" Harry asks

"I want my Dad"

"We'll go and look for him"

I nod ok and sit there staring off into space. I doubt he will turn up. My life is horrible, Draco is being mean to me all the time and my Dad doesn't show that he likes me. It's all too much I can't cope with it. Oh and I'm behind on some of my subjects too.

Louise SnapeWhere stories live. Discover now