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"Where the hell are you taking us Louise?" George complains as we walk away from the center of Hogsmeade.

"Hermione thought somewhere off the beaten track would be safer, it's literally this building coming up"

We get inside and take a seat as some other people arrive not long after us. Harry is going to be teaching us instead of Umbridge seeing as we're not learning any magic. It was all Hermione's idea, I must admit it's a great idea. We need to learn something this year.

I take my seat and look around to see who turned up, a good amount turned up which is good news.

"Where's the proof?" The annoying Ravenclaw asks after a mini argument between Ron and himself

"If Potter could tell us more about how Diggory got killed" he continues

"Shut up" I hiss at him

"I'm not going to talk about Cedric so if that's why you're here then you may as well clear out now" Harry speaks as he stands up

"Is it true that you can produce a patronus charm?" Luna asks

"Yes, I've seen it" Hermione responds

"And he killed a basilisk with the sword in Dumbledore's office" Neville speaks

"It's true" Ginny responds

"Third year he fought off about 100 dementors at once" Ron smiles

"And last year he did generally fight off you know who" I speak up 

"It all sounds great when you say it like that" Harry speaks,

I smile as I listen to his speech about facing all the things and how you can't make a mistake. I look around and notice everyone is finally starting to understand it.

"Umbridge is not teaching us spells because the ministry simply refuses to believe he's back. The truth is he is back but even so, there are dangers out there. You never know what's around the corner so we need to be prepared. How can we know about these things without giving them a go? You can't expect to meet a dementor and be able to conjure a Patronus on your first time. You will end up dead simply because you weren't physically taught it in school. This is why we need to do it ourselves, Harry has done them he's going to be a better teacher than the one we currently have"

"She's right, where do I sign up?" Lee smiles at me once I've finished my speech.

Hermione pulls out a piece of parchment and a pencil, I walk over and sign my name down followed by everyone else.

20mins later

"I feel like we are in Umbridge's office" I chuckle as I look around the place 

"We can leave if you want" Fred speaks

"No, we are going to try this place out. You promised me"

"Ok fine"

I smile at him then pick up the menu taking a look through it. 

"Why are there so many teas? What's wrong with just a normal cup of tea?"

"Try the English breakfast I think you'll like that one"

"Well I do like breakfast so ok" He smiles closing his menu

"Are you two lovebirds ready to order?" Madam Puddifoot smiles at us

"Yes, I'll have the jasmine tea with a piece of lemon cake please"

"Certainly and for you sir?"

"The English Breakfast tea with a piece of  the Battenberg cake"

"Of course, it'll be out in just a few minutes" She replies before walking off 

"Do you think Umbridge will find out about the secret classes?"

"No, well not unless someone betrays us and tells her. But we will all be careful and she won't find out"

"I hope so"

"Here you go" The woman smiles placing our drinks and cakes on the table

Fred picks his cup up and takes a sip followed by pulling a funny face. "This doesn't taste like breakfast, it's normal tea"

"That's why I said to get it"

"Well, why call it a breakfast tea if it isn't. I was really looking forward to that"

"I'm sure the cake will help you get over the dramatic disappointment" I laugh

He pokes his tongue out at me and makes a start on eating his cake.

Once we have finished and paid we go to Honeydukes to get some more sweets then head back to Hogwarts before we're late and end up in detention.

I hope Umbridge doesn't find out about Dumbledore's Army, I hope Dad doesn't either. He may tell her or make me not attend so if she does find out I'm not in trouble.

Can this year be over with already please.

Louise SnapeWhere stories live. Discover now