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"Wake up Fred!" I demand as I hit him again with the pillow. Why did Molly make me have the job of waking the twins up? George is easy to wake up but Fred is the complete opposite. 

"I'm up, I'm up" he mumbles taking the pillow before I'm about to hit him again

"You was meant to be up 20mins ago"

"Sorry" he smiles pulling me down on top of him and hugs me

"Let go, if your mom saw us in this position she'd chop our heads off"

"You're on top of the blanket though"

"Still wouldn't stop her, now get dressed we need to leave"

"Where is the port key?" I ask Ginny as I take a seat at the table  once I'm downstairs again

"No idea, not even Dad knows"

"Well this is going to end well" 

Finally everyone is awake and we're able to leave to god knows where.

"How much longer?" George whines

"Stop keeping on, we'll get there when we get there" Hermione replies

"Fred keep up"

"You're going too fast and It's too early" he frowns as he strolls behind us all with George

"Should've woken up on time then you could've had the cooked breakfast and got the energy for this walk"

"Oh this is my son Cedric" Amos smiles as some dude appears from a tree

Hermione and Ginny immediately smiles and start checking him out, Cedric looks at me and Fred pulls me close wrapping his arm around my waist whilst glaring at him.

"Aw is Freddie getting jealous?" I giggle as we continue the walk

"I'm way better looking than him"

"If you say so" I reply even though I know he's 10x better looking than Cedric.


"Blimey Dad, how far up are we?" Ron asks out of breath

"It's not that many stairs, you're just lazy"

"Well put it this way, if it rains you'll be the first to know"

I look over the railing to see Mr Malfoy whilst Draco boasts about being in the Minister's box. Nothing special about that.

"Louise Snape"

"here we go" I mumble as I look at him

"Does your father know you're with these people?"

"Not that it's any of your business but yes he does. Unlike you my father allows me to be friends with who I want to be friends with. For your information the Weasley are also pure bloods so I don't get why you keep hating on them"

"Oh I can't wait to see your father and tell him about you" He smirks and walks off, Draco following him like a lost puppy.

"He's so annoying" I comment as we continue our journey.

Later on that night

We get outside and it's chaos, absolute chaos. Everyone is running around trying to escape and there's many fires.

"Get to the port key" Arthur yells over the noise and we leave

I see a group of men walking around, Death Eaters. The one on the back left looks the other way, that other way being me.

I stop dead frozen in my tracks as it turns to facing the correct way and continue walking. No, he can't be. Why? He knew I was here.

"Louise come on" Fred calls pulling my arm

"He's there. My own father" I say as a tear falls down my cheek

"It will be ok, maybe he had no choice. When we get to Hogwarts I'm sure he'll explain but for now we need to get out here. Come on" he he grabs my hand and runs off dragging me with him.

Louise SnapeWhere stories live. Discover now