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"Louise, you need to go and see your father immediately, he's in his classroom" the professor speaks

I grab my things and leave, "Dad?" I ask as I enter the class

"Louise, come on we have to go" he says taking my hand

"Go where?"

"London put normal clothes on and meet me at the great hall in 10 minutes" and with that, he walks off

I return to my dorm and get changed into my skinny jeans, ugg boots and Jack Wills hoodie. I head to the great hall and find Dad stood there waiting. He looks so different in normal clothes I'm not used to it.


We get off the bus and I look to my left to find the hospital, why are we here? Dad walks off quickly so I practically Jog to keep up with him.

"Why are we here? What's wrong?"

"You'll find out in a minute"

We get inside and end up on the left wing of the 4th floor. I follow Dad into a room and I stop dead in my tracks when I see Mum in the bed. She's currently asleep but she looks so pale, so lifeless.

"Mum?" I manage to say as my voice breaks

"What's wrong?" I ask looking at Dad as I take Mum's hand into mine

"He who shall not be named came back"

"Is she going to be ok?"

He shakes his head no causing me to get more tears

"Can't you do some spell?"

"It won't work"

"How long does she have left?"

"They said no more than 24hrs"

"I need fresh air" I say quickly and run out the room

20mins later

"I never stopped loving you, I hope you know that"

I stop outside the room and stand there waiting before I enter, it seems like a deep conversation.

"I know, I never stopped loving you too Severus. I know you leaving was the right thing to do."

"It was the only thing"

"I know, promise me you'll look after Louise"

"I promise"

I wipe my eyes and slightly cringe as I see them kissing. Mum starts coughing and I mean real coughing like worse than smokers a cough. I go in quickly as I see some nurses running towards the room.

"I love you Louise" Mum says and hugs me

"I love you too, promise to never leave me"

"You'll see me again soon"

"Better not date nearly headless Nick" I smirk

"No, he's not my type" she smiles

Dad wraps his arm around me and holds me close as I hold Mum's hand.

"I'm gonna miss you"

"I won't be far away, I'll always be there for you sweetie"

She coughs some more and the machine starts to slow down. My own mother is dying in front of me. I hate Voldemort. Yes, I said his name and I don't care, I'm going to kill him for killing my mother.

"Time of death, 19:58"

I come out of my thoughts and look at the nurses, they give me a sad smile and walk off. I hug Dad and cry into his chest as he holds me.

"Come on we have to go now" Dad quietly speaks pulling away

I walk to Mum and plant a gentle kiss on her cheek then I walk out of the room, I already miss her.


Dad is letting me sleep on the couch in his living quarters thankfully, I didn't fancy going back to the dorm. It's been exactly 7 hours since Mum died and it's been the worst 7 hours of my life. I'm laying on the couch staring at the ceiling just replaying my whole life in my head. I was such a Daddy's girl. But as usual with death, you start to remember the bad times and I've had a fair share of those in my life. One, in particular, when I wanted to see Dad but couldn't, I didn't know where he was and I blamed Mum as she wouldn't tell me where he was and that I couldn't see him.

"Louise? What's wrong?" Dad asks taking a seat on the edge of the sofa and wipes away the tears I didn't even know I had

"We had so many arguments, one of them I said some real nasty things to her. I was always so horrible when she wouldn't even mention your name or have a conversation about you"

"She knows you didn't mean what you said"

"But I was still horrible, she's been taken away too soon. Who's gonna help me learn to look after kids and keep the house clean?"

He lets out a chuckle and smiles "I'm sure she would've just told you to use your wand as you would've kept calling every 10 minutes with a question"

"Louise Matilda Snape you're a witch so you can save time and energy by using that wand of yours," I say imitating Mum's voice

"Sounds like something she'd say. It's late and I know I said you can skip lessons tomorrow but you still need to sleep"

"Can you get Fonso?"

He nods yes and leaves, returning about 10 minutes later. Fonso curls up next to me and I say goodnight to dad letting sleep takeover my body even though I know it's going to be a long restless night ahead. 

Louise SnapeWhere stories live. Discover now