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I look down at the drawing I've made and smile, I place in the bottom of the box then on top of it I add the shrunken bottles of potion ingredients along with the card, little figurine and a snow globe I managed to place a charm on it which inside shows me and Dad when I was little playing in the snow. I place the dark green tissue paper on it then I close the box and wrap the green ribbon around it making a bow in the middle.

I'm going to be going home to visit Mum at exactly 2pm on Christmas Day and I will stay with her until it's time to return to Hogwarts.

I place the box in my trunk then I help Hermione get her trunk downstairs as she is going home for the holidays.

"Promise to make sure they look up Nicolas Flamel"

"I promise" I lie knowing that we're going to just relax and play wizards chess or play in the snow instead and actually do the homework set by Hermione at last minute. I could just ask Dad about it but that means telling him what we're all up to and that can go very bad.

Me, Harry and Ron all say goodbye to Hermione then we immedietly make our way to the common room where we begin our night long marathon of playing wizards chess.

I wake up in time for breakfast and get changed into something warm then I go to fill myself up with lots of energy. Today is the day, the snowball fight is happening and I'm super excited.

1hr later

"there is no rules, no teams either" George announces

"No staying behind your wall for longer than 2 minutes" Fred adds

"No magic" They both say in sync

I was clever, I picked my corner to be near the tree so I could hide my prank. We all do the countdown from 3 then the game begins.

"Ouch that was my eye" Ron complains after George threw his snowball at him

I hold 4 snowballs on my arm and throw one at each straight after each other and hide behind my little wall

"Sneaky but good Snape" Harry yells

After a good 20 minutes I decide it's time. I sneak behind the tree and pick up the snowball and I throw it at Fred due to him being closer.

As soon as the snowball hit his arm a load of red smoke goes off and golden streamers fly around.

Fred comes out from the smoke whilst coughing "Who did that?"

Everyone else who's currently laughing all point at me and Fred raises his eyebrow.

"fine it was me" I smirk

Fred runs over and picks me up bridal style

Louise SnapeWhere stories live. Discover now