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Umbridge is getting on my nerves and her stupid Educational Decree, the new one is boys and girls are not permitted to be within 8 inches of each other. They're getting extremely stupid now and this place may as well allow muggles study here as no magic whatsoever is being taught. We was in the great hall having dinner but me and Fred have managed to hold hands even though Ron is sat in between us.

"Aren't you lucky I got long arms so you don't have to put in much effort" Fred smirks

"Hey, I offered to make my arms longer but you refused to allow me"

"Because at your height long arms will make you look silly"

"Omg Ron drop one more piece of food on my hand again I'll swear I'll ban you from no more than 2 plates full of food"

"You don't have to have your hand on my lap you know. You could just sit next to lover boy"

Before I get a chance to reply Umbridge is behind us and yet again used her wand to separate us

"Omg stop using a stupid spell to separate us. We aren't doing any harm! Separate us and I'll perform a spell separating Hogwarts and you by sending you into obliviation"

"Detention Miss Snape"

"What the hell?" Me and Fred protest

"7 pm my office tonight, not a minute later"

I go to reply but she raises her eyebrow so I back down and turn back to my food. I add a piece of lettuce into my mouth and munch on it in anger.

"Move Ron" Fred says quietly then a familiar pair of arms wrap around me "it will be ok, I'll wait for you outside her office"

I shake my head no and rest my head on his shoulder "no it'll get you into trouble, I'll be fine and I'll be strong too"

"That's my girl, now open up the Hogwarts express is coming choo choo" he says waving a forkful of sweet mash towards my mouth

I open it take the food as Hermione and Harry stare at us laughing

"What?" We both ask laughing as well

"You're such kids" Hermonie replies shaking her head in disbelief

I sit back up and take the fork off Fred then I feed him, no point in being miserable nothing is going to stop this detention. When it's time I stand up, Fred doing the same as he's insisted he walks me there to keep me calm.

"I'll be in the common waiting for you ok?" He confirms hugging me

"Yeah, have a nice evening Freddie"

He kisses my forehead then walks off, I take a deep breath and enter her office. Wow, pink and cat overload. Which gives me an idea for a good prank, I can't wait to tell the twins.

"Take a seat, you'll be writing lines"

"And what will these lines be?" I ask whilst taking a seat

"I mustn't threaten teachers"

"How many times?"

"Enough until it sinks in" she giggles, ugh that giggle is horrible

I notice the quil is different but think nothing of it and get on with lines. That was until my hand starting to sting and itch, I look at notice I mustn't threaten teachers is now showing on my hand. This form of punishment is no longer allowed, how is she getting away with this. I should've known it was coming but she doesn't do it to everyone so I was hoping to be lucky but who was I kidding. I associate with Harry so of course, I'll get this treatment.

"You may leave now"

I immediately leave and look for Dad, my hand is hurting so much. I check his classroom and office but it's empty so I make my way to his chambers.

"Louise? What are you doing out after curfew?"

I turn around and dad so I immediately run over and hug him bursting out into tears as I bury my head into his chest.

"What's the matter?"


"What has she done" he pulls away and looks at me

"She made me do lines"

"and what's wrong with that?"

"It's a different quil, when you write it goes onto your hand as well" I comment pulling away and handing my hand out to show him

"What happened?"

"Her rules of boys and girls being close together, I sort of had a go at her and said that I would send her into obliviation if she continued"

He nods ok and walks off, I follow him and when we reach his classroom he goes over to his supply closet coming out with a potion "Drink this"

I drink the potion and after a minute or two, the mark is gone.

"Now no talking back to her ok, this is a one-off Louise. I already warned you of staying on her good side and you have just broken it."

I nod ok and leave heading to the common room, as promised Fred was there waiting for me, he was actually doing homework which is shocking. He rarely does it willingly. I help him finish it then tell him about detention then we bid our goodnights and go to bed.

Louise SnapeWhere stories live. Discover now