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5 weeks later

We're currently in Hogsmead and as usual the twins dragged me with them to the joke shop, I swear one day their pranks will get them into big trouble but until then I'm going to still enjoy them.

I was looking around until I see the longish greasy black hair and black cloak walking pass the window. Of course, I immediately leave the shop and chase after him. "Dad" I yell running after him

He turns around finally so I pull him into a hug "I've missed you, where have you been"

"What are you doing child? I have no time for you and your idiotic questions" the cold voice full of venom snaps pushing me away.

He gives me his cold dark-eyed glare then storms off as he leaves me stood there speechless and hurt by his words.

"There you are" I turn to see the twins smiling at me

"We were wondering where you went" Fred speaks

"Hey, what's up?" George asks putting his arm around my shoulder as we walk off

"My father, he has no time for me. Why does he do this? Whenever he's nice and I realise he truly is still the same Dad I know and love he snaps back into the new him"

"People are complicated on times, Snape just having to be very complicated but deep down somewhere in that heart of his he does love you"

"And we do, even the trio as well" Fred smiles now putting his arm over my other shoulder

"Well, I sure am lucky to have such amazing friends in my life" I smile "fire whiskey anyone?"

"Your age?" They question

"Who cares, and I'm stood with two pranksters I'm sure you can pull off something so I can get one"

They look at each other and smirk "alright, go on ahead and join the trio we'll be there soon" George smiles

"Thanks, guys" I pull them into a hug and run off to find the trio.

Dumbledore's Office

"Lemon drops?"


"Chocolate frogs?"

Still nothing, I've been here for the past 15 minutes naming sweets yet I still can't get in. Recent sweets he's even eating? Ah, that's it

"Fizzing Wizzbees "

Finally  it works and I make my way up the stairs

"Ah Miss Snape, nice of you to visit"

I smile back and take a seat "if it's about the trip today I'm sorry"

"What happened?"

"You already know that you know everything" I giggle

"Yes but I'm letting it slide seeing as there are other problems you got right now"

I sigh and look down at my feet "why does he have to be so complicated and bipolar. I can't cope anymore with the changes in him"

"He does love you Louise, yes I admit he's more complicated than others but he has his reasons for his actions which when the time is right and safe I know he will tell you. He's in his chambers so why don't you go and see him?"

"Whenever I tell him how I'm feeling he shows no emotion and just walks off or tell me to leave. Obviously, I get upset and annoyed then a few days later he writes a letter or tell me in person he loves me and makes me feel better again. Is this just some fun game he's playing to pass time here or what?"

"That's something only your father can answer"

I nod ok and stand up saying bye and leaving, not before taking a lemon drop on my way out.

Louise SnapeWhere stories live. Discover now