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I look at Dad then my anger takes over "you looked into my mind!?"

"No one knows what happened and how you ended up in here"

"You could've waited until I woke up like most normal people!"

"You should've told me"

I glare at him "you wouldn't have believed me, I tried before. Besides, why would the precious Malfoy do something so terrible? Just cause he's in your house doesn't mean he's the most well-behaved student!"

"Louise you know I would've believed you"

"How was I suppose to tell you? You never have time for me. I'm just another insufferable up to no good child"

He looks taken aback by that, somewhat hurt too. I quickly grab my wand and point it at him "occlumency"

It goes through flashbacks of James and Sirus bullying him and where James did exactly what Malfoy did to me on Dad at the tree, James saving his life. Home life with his parents, he didn't have a nice home life growing up as I did. How could parents neglect their own child let alone other stuff which I'm seeing. I mean look at Dad, he was a cute kid why would you want to make them sad?

"Enough!" Dad yells stopping me from looking

I look at him with wide eyes as he stands up


He glares at me and walks off

"Dad, please"


"Please come back" I say as my voice breaks

He stops at the doorway with his back to me "Dad please come back, I'm sorry" 

I've now got the tears but he just continues walking away.


The trio just left but it was nice seeing them, I still haven't seen or heard from Dad and I sent him 3 letters but still nothing. Madame Pomfrey is currently giving me another checkup. She won't let me have a cast and leave like muggles do, I need to see Dad.

I enter his chambers to which he isn't in, he wasn't in his office either. Well, he's going to have to come back here eventually so I take a seat by the fire and wait. He finally arrives after 3 hours of waiting, of course he ignores me though and takes a seat on the sofa and start reading the daily prophet. I get up and go to the sofa cuddling up to him and read it like I used to when I was little. Although back then the writing was too boring and I was more interested in the moving pictures. This time I actually it too and fed a few minutes he gives in and wraps his arm around me like we used to when I was little.

I cuddle him more and after a few minutes of silence I look up at him and he looks down at me

"I am sorry you know"

"I know princess" he smiles a little and kisses my head "I just didn't want you to find out the things you did"

"Draco did to me what James did to you. That's why you got funny"

"It's just a memory I didn't wish to remember"

"But you didn't have a nice childhood here or at home. When you have a bad home life Hogwarts is meant to be better somewhere you feel at home and you didn't have that"

"As muggles say I guessed I pulled the short straw"

"But it still isn't nice"

"I'm over it"

"No you're not, if you were you wouldn't have left me or ignored my letters"

"I'm sorry I did that"

"I forgive you" I smile and hugs him tightly

"Draco and his friends will be serving detention for the next 2 weeks and The ones in the Quidditch team is not allowed to play the next 3 games. I personally, however, wanted them kicked out of Hogwarts"

"Luscious would've killed you probably if you got Draco kicked out"

"He's not as scary as you think, he hides behind his surname and power but in reality, he's more scared than you. I also saw you quoting Draco's famous you wait till my father hear about this line" he laughs

I laugh back "I would've told you but the whole lake situation happened"

"Louise stop doubting my love for you cause I will Always love you"



"I just feel like you don't sometimes cause you act cold towards me like I'm just another student here. It's just hard to come to terms with the new you"

"I'm still me deep down, I can't suddenly change back now. The students will take advantage and be even more annoying especially those Weasley twins"

Louise SnapeWhere stories live. Discover now