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"She must be in the library" I speak as I look around the Great Hall not having any luck in finding Hermione

"You two, follow me" McGonagall speaks as she approaches us in the corridor with Harry

"What's going on?" Ron asks 

Harry shrugs his shoulder and we all follow McGonagall where we end up in the hospital wing. 

"Hermione" I speak as I see the body on the bed and I rush over to her bedside. 

"She was found near the library, along with this"

I look at the mirror in confusion, why would Hermione be walking around with a mirror?

That night McGonagall appears in the common room with some set of rules that are now put in place due to more students getting targeted. 

"Professor, what if I want to go and see my father?" I ask before she leaves 

"You shall write to him and he will come to fetch you"

I nod ok and return back to my seat. Hogwarts is changing due to this chamber of secrets, the professors are scared. This makes me scared. 

"They can't close the school" George speaks 

"I don't think they will. It will be ok"

"I think it's time to get my Dad's cloak out again"

I look over at Harry and Ron talking quietly and I get up to go and sit by them. "Why?

"We need to speak to Hagrid"

"But you know the rules"

"The cloak is invisible"

"Why now? Why not tomorrow in the daylight"

"He must know how to access you know what"

"But Harry it's a book that soaks up the ink. You know who could've made it look like Hagrid did it"

"Well Hagrid can confirm if that theory of your's is true then"

I roll my eyes and go back to join Fred and George who's now playing wizards chess.  I decide to leave to go and see Dad. It's currently 6:05 pm meaning curfew was 5 minutes ago but I don't care. I can't stop thinking about Hermione and I just need to try and have some normality around me. I fast walk my way muttering the password and locking the door behind me. 

"Dad?" I call 

"Louise? You're meant to send me a letter, it's past 6"


"It's fine, are you ok?"

"A little. Hermione was attacked"

"So I heard, at least everyone who sits behind her can see without her raised arm obstructing their view"


"Sorry, why did you come here? Shouldn't you be doing your homework?"

"I don't have any homework left to do"

"I can give you some"

"No thank you, I'm good. What has Dumbledore said about all of these attacks?"

"He doesn't know why or how it's happening"

"But Dumbledore knows everything. How can he not know who or what is causing all of this?"

"We don't know"

"Why is it petrifying everyone though? Well not everyone as the common link is the fact they aren't pure bloods. But why?"

"We still don't know"

"But what if the attacks get worse? Or start adding more to the target list?"

"Louise calm down, I promise it will be ok"

"But what if it isn't? What if they can't get un pretrified? Hermione is my best friend. What if I'm next?"

"You won't, I won't let anything happen to you. Hermione and the other students will be fine."

"But I'm scared" I admit as I look down at the floor

Dad sighs and wraps his arm around me pulling me closer "I know you are but everything will be ok"

"God I feel like I'm a secret Hufflepuff. I'm meant to be brave but here I am constantly looking around me when I walk about the corridors, jumping at the slightest sound I hear"

"It's difficult for anyone to be brave in this situation but you will be fine."

"What if something happens to me when you're teaching? Or at night and asleep?"

"Stop making up scenarios in your head that won't happen. I will always be there for you and nothing bad will happen to you."

I rest my head on his chest and sigh nodding ok. I decided I wanted to stay the night in Dad's chambers as I didn't want to go back to the dormitory especially with Hermione not being there so I spend the night drinking hot chocolate and reading whilst Dad marks students work. 

Louise SnapeWhere stories live. Discover now