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"You look stupid" Dad comments as we're making our way to the Quidditch stands

"Wow, thanks Dad, I'll just leave my coat and scarf inside so I can freeze to death" I reply sarcastically

"A Gryffindor scarf with that coat? It doesn't match"

"Says the one that doesn't wear clothes unless it's black. Besides this scarf goes better than a Slytherin one would" I smirk and give him a quick hug before taking the stairs for the Gryffindor section.

"Hey guys" I smile as I find Hermione, Neville, Ron, and Seamus.

"hey" they all reply

"Bets, place your bets"

"Bets taken, bets taken here"

"Oh God, please don't say I can hear the twins voices and the word bets being yelled" I mutter as I turn to see them both working their way through the stands holding a box in front of them.

"You two are unbelievable"

"It's 10 to 1 for Fleur, want to bet?" George asks as they reach us

"No, I do not" I reply as I slam the box close

"I'll be back" Hermione speaks before quickly walking off meaning Fred have no stolen her spot taking a bet from someone in the stand below

The task begins, the aim is to catch the golden egg. Simple right? Oh no because there's a giant real fire breathing dragon protecting the egg. All you have is yourself and a wand to try and get the egg.

How is this allowed?

"I don't like this" I mumble as I watch Harry managing to avoid being burnt to death.

"That's a Hungarian Horntail, the worst one there is" Ron explains

"Oh cheers Ron"

"Sorry, I remember Charlie telling me all about them"

Hermione yells at Harry telling him to use his wand when finally there is silence. Luckily he hears and manages to get his broomstick.

Yeah, that can help but the dragon can fly as well plus have the ability to throw flames at you so personally, I would've thought of the water spell to stop the flames.

Harry tries to collect the egg but miss due to the fire so he decides to fly a bit out of reach due to the chains which is good thinking.

Until the chain broke. Of course they will break because this is Hogwarts and Harry Potter.

"It's been over 5 minutes, where is he and why can't I hear any roars?"  I speak up

"There" Neville says whilst pointing in the distance

Harry appears and manages to grab the egg causing everyone including myself to cheer him on.

Ron is pretending to not care as he believes Harry put his name in the goblet but I noticed the little cheers here and there and the look of worry on his face too.

Time Skip

"Y'all two face" I mumble as I watch the twins holding Harry up as everyone is cheering him on

"What do you mean?" Hermione asks

"This common room when Harry walked in after the announcements. Nobody spoke to him and they were all mean. Now, look at them, opposite of that. Two-faced"

Harry opens the golden egg which was a big mistake, the screeching sound is awful and my poor ears.

"What the bloody hell was that?" Ron asks making his presence known

"Alright everyone go back to your knitting" Fred speaks up

Me and Hermione walk over standing nearby Harry and Ron whilst they talk

"You guys friends again now?" I speak up after the whole Ron using the stupid way to warn Harry about dragons

They both look at me and Hermione and nod.

"Good, now you both have potions homework to complete" Hermione smiles causing them both to groan but walk to the table and take a seat where the rest of the evening is them doing homeowk whilst me and Hermione figure the egg out.

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