chapter six:

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“Not interrupting anything am i?” Keira said, from the corner nearest the door. “n-no, how long have you been standing there?” I moved Issy gently off me and her head rested on the hospital chair. “Long enough.” “it’s not what it looks like, Keira! She was tired and her dad had a heart attack and she wanted me to sing to her!” we were now outside the hospital room. “And what about the ‘I like you’ nonsense?” she said, furiously. “as friends?! We were trying to get a long because of you! You wanted us to be friends and now we are! I’m only here because she couldn’t get to the hospital so she called me to drive her there, I wasn’t going to say no to my girlfriend’s best friend was i?” she nodded. “I’m so sorry Olly.” She hugged me and kissed me. I thought to myself, ‘why don’t I just break up with her?’ but that would hurt her, and Issy and I could never be together because that would ruin their friendship. “Are you going back to Wales then?” I asked her, as we sat outside the hospital with a coffee. “I don’t know, depends if Issy’s alright.” “I can always stay with her to make sure she’s okay, if you want?” I happily volunteered. “Aw Olly that would be lovely. My boyfriend is the best” I put on a fake smile. I wanted to be in there with Issy. “Let’s go home.” Keira said, tugging on my hand. “But what about Issy?” “I texted her, she’ll be fine.” I nodded and left. I really did not want to leave her on her own. But what could I do? She was my girlfriend.

Issy’s P.O.V.

I woke up on the most uncomfortable chair ever. I looked around to the clock – it was 2:35. There was no Olly, no Mum, but just Dad. Mum came in seconds later with hot chocolates and biscuits. “Where’d Olly go?” I asked her. “He left with Keira, you never told me they were together, I thought you two..” I looked down. “Oh Issy! You like Olly?! Does he like you back?” I smiled, “I should think so, he’s kissed me..” she put down the hot chocolates and ran over to me. My mum and I told each other everything. I told her everything. About the kiss, about the sex, about everything. She thought it would be best not to tell Keira. But end it with Olly. “But, I really like him! And there’s this other boy, Tom who is sort of my boyfriend, and I really like him! Oh mum what have I done!” I broke down in her arms. My mum had the best advice. She told me to keep dating Tom, and talk to Olly about it. “But everytime I have something planned, he walks in, and we kiss and..” my mum looked at me in disgrace, but she was smiling. “I can’t help it! He’s so gorgeous!” “Yeah, he is isn’t he..” “Ew Mum stop!” She laughed. “It’s the best thing to do, Issy. Why don’t you go now and I’ll call you if anything happens? Okay, go!” “Thanks mum, love you” I gave her a kiss and left.

“Hey Olly, can we talk? Are you at home?”

I didn’t get a reply. I tried calling him but nothing. I decided to leave it. “Keira, I’m home” I walked into the front room, and there was Keira and Olly, on the floor.. Well, with very little clothes on. “Oh my god” I ran out the room and up to the bathroom. I could hear them rushing around, trying to get their clothes on. I locked the door, and just starting crying. I heard Keira saying she’ll come up, but Olly insisted he would. *knock knock* “Issy? Issy can I come in?” I didn’t respond. I heard Keira coming up the stairs, “What is she so upset about? We are in a relationship..” at that I started crying even more. “Keira stop being so insensitive!” Olly said. “Issy? Issy are you okay, please talk to me” “I’ll be fine, just leave me alone please.” I managed to say, during the crying. They both got up and left. I heard the front door slam, that must have been Olly.

“meet me outside, now. O x”

I quietly went out of the bathroom and into the bedroom. I adjusted my make-up and put on some different clothes. Keira was in the kitchen and I crept out the house. Olly was waiting round the corner by his car. “Issy I’m so sorry” “Sorry for what? You had sex with your girlfriend? Nothing to be sorry about. Can i?” pointing to the car. He got in and drove me to his place. We got out the car and into his flat. “I just wanted to talk.” He leant in to kiss me. I moved my head sideways and moved away. “Olly, I can’t do this anymore. You have a girlfriend, and I have a boyfriend. I think it’s best if we just stay out of each other’s way. We’ve hurt Keira and I can’t stand it. I’m sorry.” I got up to leave, but he pulled me back and kissed me. I felt tears rolling down his face. He pulled away. “Just had to, one last time.” I smiled. “Bye Olly.” “I love you.” He whispered, as I walked to the bus stop. I felt so much better after that, even though I felt like breaking down and crying. I got home and crept up to the bedroom. Keira hadn’t even noticed I was gone, thankfully.

love at first sight // olly mursWhere stories live. Discover now