chapter five:

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Olly’s P.O.V.

I haven’t been out of the house in days. I haven’t shaved, I haven’t had a shower, I haven’t even got changed. I’ve barely eaten anything. Or drunken anything. My CD that was due for release in a couple of months had been sent through the post and I’ve been listening to one song – Sliding Doors. The one I sung to Issy at that party. I haven’t texted anyone, I haven’t talked to anyone. Keira has been texting me non-stop. I’ve been saying to her that I’ve had meetings and I can’t talk. Truth is, I haven’t had any meetings. I really didn’t want to talk. Issy texted me a couple of times, but I hadn’t replied to her either. I felt so depressed. I don’t even know why. Was it because Issy had a boyfriend? No, it couldn’t of been. I had a girlfriend. But I wasn’t happy. I wasn’t committed to Keira like she was to me. *knock knock* ugh, the door. I dragged myself off the sofa and opened it. It was Issy. She gave me a smile and then looked me up and down. “Oh Olly!” she walked over to me and gave me a hug. I just collapsed in her arms. “Come on, let’s get you refreshed.” She took me into the bathroom. “Are you okay having a shower or do you want me to help you?” she said, laughing and winking. “I think I’ll be okay” she left. I opened the bathroom door and went into my bedroom, where Issy had laid out some clothes for me to put on. She laid out some chino shorts, and a t-shirt. I laughed to myself. I put my clothes on and went into the living room where Issy was quietly watching TV. She turned around and smiled. “You look gorgeous! Now lets give you a shave.” She shaved my ‘beard’ and then noticed the bags under my eyes. “Olly how much sleep have you had?” “not much, to be honest.” She took my hand and led me to the living room. She sat me down on the couch and sat down next to me. She wrapped her arms around me and rested her head on mine. I felt so much better. I was fast asleep.

I woke up and it was 5 o’clock in the evening. Oh my god I literally slept all day. I heard Issy singing ‘Thinking Of Me’ in the kitchen. I laughed to myself. I got up and walked to the kitchen. “Something smells nice” I said, making her jump out of her skin. “Oops sorry!” I went up behind her and put my arms around her. “Thought I’d make you some dinner!” she was cooking spaghetti. “Does Keira know you’re here? Or your parents?” I asked her, sitting on the table. “No, Keira’s in Wales on some field trip, which you would of known if you looked at your phone, and my parents are, surprise surprise, away again. So I was feeling lonely and alone and I hadn’t seen you in ages and I wanted to see you.” I grabbed her waist and turned her around, away from the cooker. And kissed her. “Oh my goodness I have missed that” she said, turning back around to finish the dinner. “Fancy staying here?” I said. “oh Olly I’d love to but, the thing is, I’m seeing Tom tomorrow..” Heart smashed into a million pieces again. “Oh yeah, your boyfriend.” I looked down at the floor, trying to hold in my tears. She knelt down in front of me, she pulled my chin up and looked me straight in the eyes. She started singing.

“And under us, the river subsides for you.

Whenever you cry, look above, the angels will fly for you.

‘Cause you’re the one.

Call on me, for all of the dark you fear.

And I am here.

We’ll start a new, if all you do comes undone.

‘Cause you’re the one.”

“How did you?..That’s my..” I said, confused. “I saw it on the side and I was wondering what it was. I’m sorry.” She said, clasping my head, kissing me. “It’s perfect Olly” “Did you listen to all the songs?” I asked her, wiping the tears from my eyes. “No, I only listened to that one.” I smiled. “Listen to Sliding Doors when you have a chance.” “okay, I will do” she said, smiling at me, serving dinner. I felt like we were a proper couple. “This feels, right, Issy.” She smiled and ate her dinner. ‘This feels so right’ I thought to myself.  

love at first sight // olly mursWhere stories live. Discover now