chapter twenty:

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Olly’s P.O.V.

“Is that our baby?” I said, holding Issy’s hand. The doctor nodded. “That’s your little boy.” “A..A boy?!” I exclaimed. He nodded again. I looked down to Issy, she was looking excited. “Olly we have one of each!” I laughed and kissed her forehead. The doctor suddenly looked deeply at the picture. “Excuse me, one minute.” He said, and exited the room. We were both confused. “Olly, what if it’s not..and it’s his..” “I promise, if it isn’t mine-“ “Olly it is yours!” she said, interrupting me. “If it isn’t mine, I’m going to love him no matter what and I will treat it as my own.” “I love you” she said, pulling me into a kiss. Suddenly another doctor appeared and introduced himself. “Hello, Isabella. My name is Doctor Shingfield. I’m just going to take a look.” He said, pressing it against my belly. “Is everything okay?” she asked. He didn’t reply; he just smiled. He put the thing down and looked down on Issy. “Why don’t you get yourself changed and meet us in my office. It’s down the hall to your right.” He said, without any more words, leaving. They both left and left Issy and I alone. “What? What..” I said. She shrugged her shoulders, getting changed. I grabbed her hand and we walked out into his office. “Ah, Isabella.” “please, call me Issy.” She said, shaking his hands. He nodded. He shook my hand and we took a seat. “Is, is everything okay?” Issy asked, holding my hand, squeezing it. “I understand that you had a fall due to your condition, called hypotension.” She slowly nodded her head, in agreement. I didn’t set my eyes once on the doctor; they were constantly set on Issy. She never noticed, she was too intensively listening to the doctor. “Well, this may have harmed your baby.” Issy suddenly squeezed my hand harder. I could see eyes welling up. I was about to wipe them, but she took her hand away from mine and wiped them. I left my hand out, but she never took it back. She set her hands on her lap, still looking at the doctor; but saying nothing. “It may not have, but we can’t see at the moment. It may even lead to having to wait till birth.” He continued. “What sort of effect will it have on him?” I asked. Issy didn’t even look at me. He coughed. “We’re honestly not sure at the moment. I wish I could tell you, and I wish I knew but I really don’t know at this precise moment. We will look more in depth with it soon, but at the moment, we can’t.” I nodded. I took Issy’s hand away from her lap and held it. She didn’t resist, she held on harder than ever. We left the hospital, but not hand in hand. She didn’t say a word. Or on the way home, no word. “I need to go and pick Holly up.” I said. She shook her head. “O-okay.” I replied, confused. We got to the house and she walked in. I closed the door and locked the car. “Issy? Issy are you alright?” I asked her. No reply. She sat herself on the couch, like she was a robot. “This, this is all your fault.” “what?” I asked, confused. “Our baby, having all your fault.” She hissed. “How, how exactly is it my fault?” I questioned her. “If you hadn’t stupidly proposed to me, I would have never fainted and I would have never hit the ground!” she shouted at me. How can Issy be blaming me for this?! “I’m sorry that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you.” I said. She turned to me. “No I didn’t mean it like that!” she said, grabbing onto my arm. “How did you mean it then?” she didn’t reply. “Exactly.” I said, pushing her arm off mine. “Where are you going?” “Out.” I bluntly replied, and left the house. I got in my car and got out my phone. “Lads night. Please?” I asked Rupert. “YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!” they screamed. I’m guessing they were all together. We arranged the times and everything, and I drove to Rupert’s to get ready.

“WE ARE THE LADS, WE ARE THE LADS!!” we chanted, taking another shot. I was here with the band, The Loveable Rogues and somehow Caroline Flack appeared. Plus Dermot O’Leary. “Thought this was meant to be a lads night, what is she doing here?” I said, drunkily pointing to Caroline, then winking at her. She hit me on my arm. “You love me, Ols!!” she shouted over the blaring music. “I do!” I said, hanging my arm over her shoulder. I kissed her on the cheek and she put her arm around my waist. We starting singing ‘Superstition’ and we got the whole club dancing. ‘Angels’ came on by Robbie Williams and we all raised out hands. “I’M LOVING ANGELS INSTEAD!” I screamed. My phone kept vibrated. It was Issy. I wasn’t in the mood to talk, so I turned it off and stuck it back in my pocket. We kept singing songs that we didn’t even know, making up the words, taking more shots, drinking more drinks.

love at first sight // olly mursWhere stories live. Discover now