chapter sixty one:

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Olly's P.O.V.

It was crazy backstage. Everyone rushing around. Trying to prepare for our first show in Ireland. I was sitting in my dressing room, alone, trying to calm myself down, and test my vocal strength.

"Mr Murs; 5 minutes till show time." Someone said outside my door. Fuck. I got up, placed the trilby on my head, and walked to the door. No one was there.

"Hello?" No answer. I peeked round to the stage - no one. Except two figures. A girl and a boy. I moved onto the stage to get a closer view. It was Issy. And some boy. They...they were kissing. No. No this can't be-

Ow. I woke up on the floor. Thank god that was just a dream. I stood up and stretched my arms and legs.

"Mr Murs; 5 minutes till show time." the same voice from my dream said. I nodded even though he couldn't see me. I walked to the door and opened it. So many people frantically rushing around. I walked out, making my way to the stage.

"Here we are, Mr Murs." Someone said, plugging in my microphone and giving me my earpieces.

"Cheers." he nodded and scurried off somewhere.

"Olly! Olly!" Someone familiar called. Who's that? Oh yeah. My fiancé.

"Hey baby!" I said, as she ran up to me. I lifted her off her feet and spun her around.

"Put me down!" she giggled. "Just wanted to wish you luck." I put her down and kissed her.

"Thank you, I'll see you soon. Where will you be?"

She pointed to a place at the side of the stage. "Right there. Make me proud." She said, winking at me. I laughed, and heard the beginning of 'Army of Two'.

"That's my Que. I'll see you soon, I love you millions." I gave her a quick peck on the lips and grabbed my microphone from the side lady. I smiled at her. "Good luck." I nodded and made my way onto stage.

I walked out, and then suddenly the light shone on me. Thousands of people were screaming, I could hear it through my earpieces. Blimey. 

"I came, I saw, tore down, these walls..." I began singing. Even though I couldn't see the crowd due to the amount of lights shining at me, I mentally pictured their faces. Singing their heads off and smiling. This is what I like to see. 

I swiftly moved onto 'Dance with me Tonight' and then talked for a bit. 


I finished the last song before the second part of the show, and it was time for a change. I ran off the stage, undressing myself in the process. I rushed into my dressing room, where my fashion lady was dressing me. 

She finally finished and I was ready to go back. I placed my trilby on my head and grabbed my microphone again. I saw Issy at the side of the stage, with her back turned to me, talking to someone. I started walking over but someone grabbed me. "This way, Mr Murs." I wrestled out of her grip and ran over to Issy. I spun her around and kissed her. 

" need to go!" She pecked my lips. "Good luck, love you millions!" She shouted as I ran in the other direction to go to the stage. The beginning of 'Hey You Beautiful' started playing, and I made my way onto stage.

"Hey you beautiful, girl you knock me down." I looked over to Issy's direction, but she wasn't paying any attention. She was a man...he was like the one in my dre- nightmare. Holy shit. I noticed my singing was inaudible, so I picked it back up, promising myself to not look over there again. 


"THANK YOU, IRELAND. I love you all. I've said this alot this tour, but... I've only just begun." I saluted them and ran off stage, blowing them kisses. 

"Olly, that was amazing!"

"Well done, Ols!"

"Your voice gets better and better everyday."

"First show, done!" 

There was a few more comments and then I realised Issy wasn't here. My eyes foolishly wandered to where she was standing in the concert, and she was still there. Talking to that man. She was laughing with him. Talking with him. 

I tore away from the crowd and went into the dressing room. I sat down on the sofa, putting my head in my hands. I felt like screaming the place down. I mean, sure they were talking, but she didn't pay any attention to me? Ugh. I heard a knock on the door, I didn't respond but they entered. 

"Hey Jon," I said, getting up. "You were amazing out there." 

"You were awesome. You know how to get the crowd jumping. Ready to go?" I nodded and left after him. Issy wasn't where she was this time, nor was the man. I looked down and followed Jon out to the bus. Luckily no fans were there, so I wouldn't get ambushed by them. I really wasn't in the mood. 

"We are the lads, we are the lads!" Rupert shouted. I laughed. 

"Wanna play a bit of FIFA?" I asked the lads. They all nodded. We made our way down the tour bus to the living room bit, and we set up. 

Without Issy. 



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