chapter sixty four:

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Olly's P.O.V.

"Babe, babe...wake up."

"One more minute..." I mumbled into my pillow.

"Babe, wake up," Issy said, kissing my neck. She suddenly stopped.

"Don't stop." I said, turning over and pouting.

"Get up then." I shook my head and grabbed her waist, sitting her on my lap. She bought her head down and got near to my lips. "Get up and you may get some of this," she said, pointing to her body, "later."

I shot up and she giggled. "I'm getting ready!" I shouted, rushing around putting my clothes on.

"You're so gullible. You wish," she said, winking at me, "I hope you're ready in 5 minutes." She skipped away and out the door.

We were on out 5th date of the tour, and we were finally staying in a nice hotel suite. I put on my jeans and a plain black t-shirt, with some loafers and went out the door. I walked to the lift, and pressed 'ground floor'. I patiently waited for the 'ding'.

Finally, I reached the ground floor and walked to the tour bus. Issy was waiting outside it, talking to Sarah. I went behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist. I kissed her neck and whispered "hiya beautiful," in her ear.

She turned around and kissed me. "Hello, ready for rehearsals?" I nodded.

"It's like you're my management. I love your bossy side." She slapped my arm and we walked into the tour bus.

"Wanna skype the kids?" I nodded and got my iPad and called them.

After a few rings they picked up. Holly was crying, Scott just looked at her. "Holly? What's-what's happened?" I asked, holding Issy's hand.

"It's Nanny...we-we can't find her anywhere." She mumbled. Scott began crying and Holly cuddled him. I could tell Issy was tense, as her grip on my hand was tightening. "I, I don't know what to do."

We suddenly lost connection and their faces disappeared.

"Olly...Olly I've got to go. Please, I need to go! Where's my mum?! Holly and Scott are there on there own! I need to be with them!"

"Why don't we just call my mum and get her to pick them up?"

"No! No Olly! I want to be with them! It was a fucking stupid idea to ever agree with this! I should have never, ever left them! What the fuck was I thinking, Olly?!" She screamed at me.

I didn't know what to say. Was she blaming me for this?

"I need to get out," she walked up the bus to the driver. "Can you stop please." He nodded and the bus came to a stop.

"Issy, wait-"

She cut me off and shook her head. "Don't you dare try and stop me. This is your fault."

I was right, she was blaming me for this.


Short again wah😔


love at first sight // olly mursWhere stories live. Discover now