chapter seventy:

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My hair was done, my make up was done. My dress was on. I was ready. It was 1:30pm, which meant the wedding was starting in an hour. The dress that dad gave me when he died, is beautiful. For a man, he has good taste in clothes.

I would be getting to the wedding in a horse-drawn carriage. Olly organised it. I can't believe it. Luckily the church was only a mile or so down the road.

"You look so so beautiful." Mum said, as she kissed my forehead. "Your father would have been so proud." She held onto Max's hand, who was smiling at her reassuringly.

"Stop crying, Mum. You're going to make me cry!" I said. She laughed and wiped her eyes.


"Ready?" Mum said. I nodded. Mum was giving me away. It's usually the dad, but considering mines not around anymore, and mum's been there through thick and thin, I asked her. Holly went down with the flowers, and Scott went in behind with one of Olly's family relatives. The bridesmaids went down, and now it's time for me.

Holy crap.

Mum nodded to the minister and the music started playing. People rose from their seats and looked in my direction.

I was never really one for attention. To be honest, I hated it. But this was my day. And no one in the world could ruin it.

I walked down the aisle to see Rupert whisper something in Olly's ear, which made him hit him. Rupert winked at me and I smiled. I finally reached Olly and he turned around, and he looked taken aback. I let go of mum's arm after she kissed my cheek, and Olly took my hand. Everyone sat down and Olly whispered in my ear, "you look breathtaking. Absolutely beautiful." I blushed and we walked to the minister.


"I believe you two have prepared vows for one another?" We both nodded and I took out my piece of paper.

"Olly," I began, "words cannot describe how happy you've made me. We have two beautiful kids and one on the way. I'm seriously the luckiest girl in the world to have you. You'd do anything to protect me, and make sure I'm safe. Yeah, we've had our ups and downs, but we've always worked through them because we love each other. I love you, Oliver Stanley Murs. Forever and always." I placed the ring on his finger and he smiled sheepishly at me.

"And you, Olly?"

He rustled around in his pocket, until he found the piece of paper. He breathed in and smiled. "I can't believe I'm standing here. About to marry you. We've been engaged, I've asked you to marry me countless times, and now, here we are. Finally," he turned to the crowd and to Kiera. "Kiera, I apologise for what I'm about to say but," he turned back to me and held my hands, holding them up to his lips, "it was love at first sight. When I first laid my eyes on you, I knew we had this connection, that not even I can explain. You've turned my world upside down. You've blessed me with two beautiful kids and one little one on the way. I love you and everything about you. You're everything to me and you're going to be my everything for the next 70 or so years. I love you Isabella Davis. So so much."

By the time he had finished, I had tears rolling down my cheeks. That was..beautiful. He placed the ring on my finger and we enlaced our fingers together.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife! You may kiss the bride." The second he said it, Olly pulled me closer and kissed me passionately. I grinned into the kiss and I could feel him grinning too.

We pulled apart and we walked down the aisle. I saw mum crying her eyes out, cuddling into Max. Holly and Scott were jumping up and down, smiling and waving at us.

For our honeymoon, Olly and I are going to the Caribbean for two weeks, without the kids. Mum and Max are going to look after them. It's going to kill me being away with them.

Olly and I said our goodbyes to everybody, which was so emotional, as we were going on our honeymoon straight away. We got in the car and we left.

"So, Mrs Murs." Olly said, kissing my neck.

"That sounds so weird. But I love it." I said, giggling.

"And I love you, so much."



love at first sight // olly mursWhere stories live. Discover now