chapter sixty nine:

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Today was the day. My wedding day.

I'm getting

It just, doesn't seem real. I rolled over, obviously to find no Olly. I felt bare without his presence next to me. I know it sounds cheesy, but he literally completes me. I him so much.

I looked at the clock, only 6:45am. The wedding was at 2:30pm.

I leapt out of bed and went downstairs. I was staying at mum's house as Olly had our house... He and all of his friends went out yesterday and I'm guessing they all got severely drunk. None of them texted me or anything, even though they said they would.

"Morning, sweetie." Mum said, as I kissed her cheek.

"I'm getting married today!" I said, throwing my hands in the air. She laughed.

"I know sweetie! Kiera will be here soon."

"Do you think it'll be awkward for her? I mean, she might still have feelings for Olly...what if she makes a scene? Oh my god what if she makes a fucking scene and runs off with Olly!" I started panicking and mum sat me down, getting me to breathe through a brown paper bag.

"She won't. And even if she does, which I'm sure she wont, Olly loves you. He picked you. He's head over heels with you. He is in love with you." I smiled and gave mum a cuddle. "Now go and get a shower!"


I think I was in the shower for about an hour. Just thinking about everything. I wrapped a towel around my body and made my way back into my bedroom.

My iPhone was flashing, indicating I had a text.

From: Rupert

"Issssssy! Sorry we didn't text you yesterday but all is good! Olly's very nervous. But excited at the same time! We did get pretty drunk yesterday but we're all grown men and we can handle out drinks! See you soon, when you're walking down the aisle xxxxx"

I smiled. I'd be walking down the aisle in about 6 hours. Holy shit.

I put my phone down and suddenly it hit me.


I haven't seen him in over a week.

He's not even going to see his little girl get married. I need to go and see him.

I quickly dried myself off with my towel, and put on some jeans and one of Olly's shirts, drying my hair quickly. Not putting on any make up. I raced down the stairs grabbing my keys.

"Mum, I need to go and see Dad!" I said, opening the door.

"Now? Sweetie you're getting married in 6 hours!"

"I need to." She smiled at me sympathetically.

"Ok dear, be back in an hour. the hair stylist and make up people will be here then." I quickly nodded and left.


I arrived at the cemetery with tears already in my eyes. I walked until I reached his grave, and fell on my eyes, starting to ball like a baby.

"I miss much, Daddy." is the only thing I could get out at the moment. I sat on my bum, starting to pick at the grass. "I'm s-sorry I haven't been to see you. I just want you to know that I love you so much and you're always in my heart. I'll never ever forget you." I took a deep breath and composed myself. "I'm getting married today. I'm getting married in 6 hours. Your little girl. Marrying. Remember Olly? He's the man I'm marrying. You need to thank him for making me the happiest girl alive. Remember in your letter when you said at the end for Olly to look after me? He's done just that." I picked at more grass, "I'm also wearing the beautiful dress you gave me before you passed, Daddy. Thank you so much for it. You're my whole world. I love you much." And I broke down again. 

I felt an arm on my shoulder, to which I jumped. I turned around and saw Olly. 

Olly's P.O.V.

"Hello? Is Issy there?" I asked Esme who picked up the home phone. 

"She's just gone to see Scott, Olly." 

Oh god. Scott. She hasn't seen him in so long. "T-thank you." I muttered and hung up. I need to be with her. I have to go and be with her. I got in my car and drove away to the cemetery where Scott was buried. 


I arrived there and I saw Issy from afar. She still looked beautiful, even when she wasn't trying to. She was sitting on the ground, cross legged, picking at the grass while talking. 

"I'm getting married today. I'm getting married in 6 hours. Your little girl. Marrying," she started to say as I made my way over to her, "Remember Olly? He's the man I'm marrying. You need to thank him for making me the happiest girl alive. Remember in your letter when you said at the end for Olly to look after me? He's done just that." I smiled. "I'm also wearing the beautiful dress you gave me before you passed, Daddy. Thank you so much for it. You're my whole world. I love you much." 

And that's when she broke down. I can't stand here like an idiot and leave her to cry. I jogged over there, and put my hand on her shoulder, crouching down beside her. She jumped a bit and turned around. 

"Olly...what are you...what are you doing here?" 

"To be with my soon-to-be-wife-in-six-hours." I said, she chuckled then suddenly stopped.

"Olly! You're not meant to see me on our wedding day! It's bad luck!" She rushed to her feet and tried to cover my eyes. 

"That's only if you're in your wedding dress, numpty. And anyway, I want to break those rules. Now come here." I said, opening my arms as she crept in them, resting her head on my shoulder. "I love you. He'd be so proud of what a wonderful woman, mum, daughter, and wife you are." She sniffled and looked up.

"I love you." She said, with a smile creeping onto her face. "We better go. I need to get ready." 

"You look perfect anyway. Even if you were wearing a pair of trackies and one of my old baggy tops, you'd still look perfect." 

She hit my arm, "hardly!" she turned to the grave and kissed her fingers, resting them on the tombstone. "I love you Daddy, look over me today." I draped my arm over her shoulder as we made our way out of the cemetery. We both bought our own cars so we said our goodbyes there and then.

"I'll see you soon, my beautiful fiance." I said, kissing her forehead.

"I'll be the one in the white dress walking down the aisle." She said, giving me one last cuddle before getting in her car and driving away.

I really am one lucky guy, aren't I?


OKAY GUYS, THE WEDDING WILL BE NEXT CHAPTER. i'm really sorry! don't hate meeeeeeeee

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