chapter sixty:

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The boys start the tour in a couple of days, and our first stop in Ireland. We arrived here at about 11 in the morning.

They were at sound check and I decided to stay back and skype my babies.

"Mummy!" They both shouted in unison.

"Hello you's!" I blew them kisses and they did it back. "How's Nanny's and Grandad Max's?" 

They just nodded and smiled. Holly leant into the camera and whispered, "We're getting a lot of chocolate." I laughed. 

I spent about 40 minutes talking to them, until I got sleepy.

"Mummy's going to go now, I'll call you in the evening. Love you billions."

"Love you too mummy!" 

And they were gone. I've only been gone for 36 hours and I miss them so much. I laid down on the bed and took a nap. 

After a quick twenty minute nap, I got woken up by a group of men shouting.


"seriously?" I groaned, turning over and shoving a pillow over my head.

I heard them quietly laughing, but someone hit them to shut up. 

"Sorry babe, just a bit hyper. We just finished sound check, what's the time?....ah 5 o'clock. Dinner?" 

I heard distant 'yeah's' and 'woo's' but I tried to shut them out and go back to sleep. Don't think that would be happening soon. "Nando's?" Someone piped up. Then I heard distant 'mmm's'. I do like Nandos. I dragged myself up, banging my head on the bunk above me in the process.

"Shit." I heard Olly say, as he rushed over to me. "Babe? Babe you're okay, yeah?" He said, as he knelt on the floor, rubbing his hands over my head to check if there was any blood or bruises.

"Who are you, again?" I jokingly said. He looked panicked.

"I'm-I'm Olly...Your fiance..." He looked down and I looked at the band and winked. I put my finger over my mouth, indicating them not to say anything. They nodded and tried to keep in their laughs. Olly looked back up, tears in his eyes.

"I'm sorry, Olly, we can't go on." I said, dramatically, putting my hand out and turning my head.

"Issy, Issy, please I love you so much," he put his hand in his left pocket and bought out his wallet. "Look, look, this is Holly and Scott," He pointed to the pictures in his wallet of our children. "And this is our unborn child. We had a scan last week and our baby is 3 months old in your belly..." He looked down and put his wallet away. He looked back up and he had tears in his eyes. Oh god...He knows what he does to me when he starts crying. I start crying. 

"Oh my god Olly, why'd you have to start crying? You know I start crying if you start crying! I'm sorry! You were just worrying over nothing! I just hit my head on the bed, so I thought it would be funny if you thought I had... Never mind. I'm sorry, baby." I cupped his cheeks and kissed him. He didn't kiss me back. He did the opposite. He pushed me away.

"No. No, this is all a big joke to you isn't it? You don't love me. You're just playing me. You know what? I'm done." He turned around and walked out of the bus. The band looked as shocked as I was. 

"Olly..." I choked. I got up and chased him outside. "Olly, Olly!" I shouted, grabbing his hand and stopping him walking away. "I'm sorry! Okay, I love you more than anything, you mean the world to me. Don't leave me..." I looked down, and wiped the tears from my eyes. I looked up to see Olly smirking at me. And then he laughed. What?

"Payback, loser." He cupped my cheeks and kissed me, passionately. I pushed him away and slapped him. "What was that for?!" He said, running his hand over his cheek. 

"GET AWAY FROM ME!" He stopped me in the process and pushed me up against the tour bus. 

"This could go on forever." he mumbled against my lips.

"yeah, yeah, I know." 

"Stop talking. Kiss me." He demanded. I felt him grinning into the kiss. 

"WOAH, WOAH. Guys. Stop. Now. Please." We both pulled away to see the band staring at us. "Why the hell did you go into singing? Acting is your career, mate." Jon said, laughing. 

"We are pretty good, aren't we?" They all laughed and nodded. Olly grabbed my waist and pulled my closer. "I love you, Issy." he whispered in my ear. 

I giggled and whispered back, "I love you too, Olly." 



make sure you check out my new fanfic (LOVE CAME CALLING, TWICE) please! It would mean the world. 

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love at first sight // olly mursWhere stories live. Discover now