chapter thirty three:

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Olly's P.O.V.

I woke up the next morning with a banging headache. My phone went off, it was too loud. I immediatley answered just to stop the sound continuing. "Hello?" I said, sleepily. "Olly? It's Sarah. Congrats on you and Issy by the way." "Thanks, why did you phone at this ungodly hour?" she laughed. "I got a call, and they want you and Issy to appear on their show." "Which show?" "All Star Mr and Mrs?" I laughed. "We're not even married yet." "I know, I said that, but you're engaged so.." she waited for an answer. I sighed. "Fine, yeah. When is it?" "Two weeks." "Alright, see you later." i said, hanging up. Slaming my phone down, I went back to sleep. 

"Olly? Olly sweetie?" I heard someone say. I turned over and ignored them. "Oliver Stanley Murs." she shouted. I looked up and saw my mum standing there. "What're you doing here?" "Issy asked me to check on you, you got a bit crazy last night." she said, laughing at the thought. "Don't remind me. Where is Issy?" I asked, rubbing my eyes and grabbing my trousers. "Gone to work." "Shit. Australia." i suddenly gasped and covered my mouth hoping she didn't hear what I just said. "I'm sorry, did you just say Australia?" I shook my head multiple times. "Oliver, i'm your mother. I know you inside out." I sighed. This was true. We sat in silence for a couple of minutes. "I've got all day." she said. I breathed in, ready to reveal all. "Issy's been offered an amazing job, a once in a lifetime job. In Australia." she gasped. "No, Olly..." she began. I cut her off. "I can't go... I can't leave England to go and live in Australia. What about my fans? My family? My friends. I'll have nothing but Issy over there. I mean, of course I'd love that but when Issy's at work I'll be on my own, with no one." I could feel tears starting to drop down my face, as my mum embraced me. 

Issy's P.O.V.

"Thanks for this, Vicky. I don't want to leave Olly on his own. Oh, and thanks for taking the kids yesterday." she laughed and hugged me. "Have a nice day." I nodded and left. I got in my car and drove myself to work. I arrived within 20 minutes and was greeted by everything. My desk was filled with 'Get Well Soon' cards and chocolates and flowers. Matt was there, and gave me a huge hug. "Woah, hello." he kissed my cheek. "It's good to see you so well, Issy." I smiled and sat down. "You sure you're ready for this?" He asked. I nodded. 

It got to 1 o'clock and I just got back from my lunch. "Issy, can I see you in my office?" Matt said. I nodded and walked in. "About this Australia thing... We have a deadline. It;s in two days." "Matt... I want to go. And so does Olly, so yes!" I said. "Yes?!" he said. "Yes!" I said, throwing my arms around him. "Okay, well we're sort everything out tomorrow. Now, I think you can go home." "really?" he nodded. "See you tomorrow!" he waved me off and headed home. I can't believe we were going to live in Australia. This is going to be awesome. 

I arrived home and saw Vicky's car in the driveway. Thank god. Was worried about leaving Olly. I walked upstairs and I could hear them talking. I didn't want to disturb them, so I walked back downstairs when I heard Vicky say something about Australia. I crept up the stairs so I could hear them properly. Olly finally said something. "I can't go... I can't leave England to go and live in Australia. What about my fans? My family? My friends? I'll have nothing but Issy over there. I mean, of course I'd love that but when Issy's at work I'll be on my own, with no one." I could tell he was crying, with his sniffing and his mum cuddling him. I walked back downstairs, trying not to make the floorboards creak, but man did they creak. "Issy?" Olly said, walking out the room onto the landing. "Hi." I said, stopped halfway to look at him. "Did you hea-" "I've accepted the job, Olly." As I said it, he looked gutted. He looked like he was going to crumble into a million pieces. I ran upstairs and hugged him. I sat him down. "Issy, I-I can't..." I nodded. "I know. Hey, we can try this long distance relationship thing?" I said, trying to make a joke. He wasn't amused. "Olly, this is my job. It's a-" "Once in a lifetime opportunity." we both said in sync. "we'll work something out." I said, kissing him. He turned away and walked away, leaving me standing there on my own. Vicky came up behind me, hugged me and left. Without no words. I sat down at the top of the stairs and just started crying. Balling like a baby. I felt like I needed to get hammered and wasted. I got up and walked downstairs. I got out my phone and called Keira. "Kei? Wanna go out tonight?" "Where?" "Anywhere, and bring people, boys, girls, whoever." she agreed and arranged where we were going to meet. 

I grabbed a dress from the washing basket, ironed it and slipped it on. I straightened my hair, which were coincedentally downstairs and applied make up. It came to 6 and Keira knocked on my door. "Ready?" Keira said. "Ready." and we left. I didn't even tell Olly where I was going. Ugh, not in the mood for him. We got in the taxi and made our way to the club.

"Okay, this is Michela, Josh, Sam, Rebecca, Janie, Ben and Chris!" Keira said, introducing me to her friends. "This is Issy!" she said, over the loud music. "Nice to meet you all!" i said, shaking their hands. 'Blurred Lines' by Robin Thicke came on and we all got out the dance floor. "BLURRED LINES!" we shouted, dancing. Olly then soon came on with 'Troublemaker'. I made my way over to the bar and ordered another drink. "Hey, Issy." a boy said behind me. "Hey, Josh, right?" he nodded. "I'll have to of them. They're on me." he said, pasing money to the barman. "No no!" I protested. "The deeds already done." I laughed. "Well thank you kind sir." he laughed. "Wanna dance?" I thought for a bit, listening to the music. It was still Troublemaker. "Maybe in a minute." he laughed and nodded. The song was quickly changed to Daft Punk's 'Get Lucky'. "Come on!" I said, yanking Josh's hand onto the dance floor. "We've come too far, to give up, who we are!" we sang in perfect time. 

I could feel myself getting more and more drunk, but not having a care in the world. "SHOTS SHOTS SHOTS SHOTS!" they all shouted, as I downed them. "Fuck!" I shouted, sucking the lemon. "You go girl" Rebecca shouted. 'I won't give up' was playing and I again, dragged Josh onto the dancefloor. He put his arms around my waist and I put my arms around his neck. I rested my head on his shoulders, as we swayed in perfect rhythm. I lifted my head and looked him in the eyes. He leant it, like he was about to kiss me. I moved away, dodging his kiss. He looked a bit embarrassed but we kept dancing. 

Olly's P.O.V.

I rang Issy over and over again but she wasn't picking up, she wasn't answering her texts and I was getting worried. My phone suddenly flashed up, it was a call from an unknown number. "Hello?" I said. "Olly?" "Keira?" "Yeah hi, listen, I think you should come and get Issy, she's very drunk and I'm scared she's going to do something she'll regret." "I doubt she'll listen to me, we had a fight." "Olly, please." I sighed. "Okay, where are you?" "Sundown Club." "Got it, bye." and I hung up. I grabbed my keys and made my way there.

There was a little queue but I got in within 5 minutes. I looked around and I suddenly found Keira, standing at the bar with some girls. I walked over there. "Keira? Keira!" I shouted over the music. She waved me over and hugged me. "Thank you so much for coming, she's over there..." she said, pointing to the dancefloor. I looked around and saw Issy with her hands wrapped around another boys neck, and his hands wrapped around her waist. "I won't give up, on us, even if the skies get rough." played as I made my way over there. "Issy?" I said, tapping her shoulder. "O-Olly?" she stuttered, turning around. "I'm sorry we fought." she shrugged and turned back to the boy. He looked confused. He whispered something in her ear. She started laughing. "Mate, can I have a minute." he nodded and let go of her, and walked away to the bar. "Issy, come on." I said, grabbing her hand. " you." she stuttered. I smiled and grabbed her waist. "get off me!!" she shouted. "We're going home." "I don't wanna!!" she shouted. "I really didn't want to do this." I said. She looked at me confused. I grabbed her waist and threw her over my shoulder. She kept punching my back and kicking her feet, but I wasn't putting her down. I strapped her in the car and made my way back to the house. 

I helped her out of the car and she stumbled to the door. She didn't say anything to me, just singing along to the songs. I carried her upstairs and laid her on the bed. "C'mon Murs, let's get it on." she said, taking off her clothes. "I don't think so, Miss." I said, taking off her shoes and putting the duvet over her. She sighed. "Here's a bucket, if you're gonna be sick, be sick in this." she laughed and shut her eyes. "Night, beautiful." I said, switching out the light. "Olly?" "Hmm?" she didn't reply, just snores. I smiled to myself and closed the door. 


love at first sight // olly mursWhere stories live. Discover now