chapter twenty two:

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Olly’s P.O.V.

“She’s always going to part of my life; she’s the mother of my children!” I shouted to Lara. She was moaning about how she wanted Issy out of my life. “If you can’t deal with that, get out please.” She slapped me and left. The thing is, I’m not even sad after this break up. Not going to lie, I liked her when we were first together, but seeing Issy, just bought back all these feelings. What was I doing seeing someone else? I was in love with Issy. I collected my stuff and shot out the door. I got in my car and drove to the hotel. I had a day off tomorrow, thank god. I collapsed on my bed and fell straight asleep.

Issy’s P.O.V.

I came back from taking Holly to school, and Mum was waiting for me by the door. “Come in here!!” she shouted. “Calm down, mum.” I said. She grabbed my hand and pulled me into the front room. She sat down to Max and held out her left hand. “We’re getting married!” she screamed. I was speechless. “Well?!” she said, admiring her hand. “Urm, yeah, congratulations.” I said, giving them a hug. “I’ve got to go somewhere.” I said, she didn’t even hear me. I left, and drove. I drove to the cemetery. Fuck knows why. I ran over to Dad’s grave, and just started crying. “I know she loves him, but why did you have to leave us, Daddy? Why couldn’t we just be a happy family? You could have seen your little girl get married, and grow old with whoever that is. And watch your grandchildren grow up. I miss you so much.” I buried my head in my hands, crying my eyes out. I felt someone touch my shoulder and hand me a tissue. I took it and wiped my eyes with it. I looked up and saw Olly staring down on me, with a bellowing smile. “You’re always here when I need you.” He smiled and bent down to hug me. “How did you know I was here?” I asked, wiping my tears with the tissue. “Esmé.” He simply said. I rolled my eyes and fell into his arms. “She’s getting married, again.” he kissed the top of my head. “I know, Max seems like a nice guy.” “He is, I’m just scared..Mum..will forget about Dad.” “She’d never do that. You never forget your first loves.” He said. I looked up to him. “Olly I-“ I stopped talking and looked down. “I love you too, Isabella.” I elbowed him in the leg. “What was that for?!” he said, rubbing his leg. “For still not getting me my £1000.” I said, winking at him. He moved his head down and kissed my neck. He slowly moved his lips from my neck to my mouth. I pushed him away and he fell on the ground. “Not here, you dick!” I said. He grabbed my hand and ran with me to my car. “Drive.” He said. And I did so. “Not that way!” he shouted. “To our house.” He said. I laughed and changed direction. We got to the house and Olly rushed me out of the car. He grabbed my hand, and he walked straight into the door. “Olly, you need the key to open it.” I said, he sarcastically laughed and opened it. He shut the door and slammed me up against the door. Kissing my neck, and moving to my lips. Our lips moving in sync. He started taking off my clothes and I did the same to him. I disconnected myself and grabbed his top, pulling him up the stairs. “My god have I missed you.” He said, I shushed him. “No talking, Murs.” He saluted me and took off his top and trousers. “Let’s go.” He said, throwing me on the bed. “Kinky Murs.” He winked at me and was towering over me. “ going to be worth...more than..£1000.” Olly said, between kisses.

I woke up with Olly’s arms wrapped around me. He was right.. It was worth more than £1000. But it was a mistake. It should never have happened. We weren’t emotionally ready to be back together, well I’m not. I quickly and smoothly removed Olly’s arms, grabbed my clothes and walked to the door. As I was opening the door, another person was there, which made me jump. “Ke-Keira?” What was she doing here? “What are you doing here?” I asked her, she looked embarrassed. “Olly.. invited me.” she said, pointing to the stairs, I turned around and Olly was standing there. “Issy I can explain.” He said, rushing towards me. I put my hand out and pushed him away from me. “Don’t bother. This was a mistake, you were a mistake. Bye Olly.” I said, walking towards my car. I turned around one final time, and saw Keira walking in the house, grabbing Olly’s t-shirt. He didn’t even try to resist it. He just, ugh.

I got home and Holly greeted me at the door. “Mummy, Nanny asked me to be the flower girl at her wedding!!” “That’s brilliant, sweetie.” I said, moving her into the living room. Mum hinted for me to go into the kitchen, and I did. “Where did you disappear to?” she asked me, sticking on the kettle. “Needed to think.” I said. “And…” She knew what I was about to say. “Ugh I slept with Olly.” I sighed. “Then Keira turned up, apparently he invited her over. I’m done with him, Mum.” She shook her head. “You are?” she questioned. “So have you set a date?” I said, changing the subject quickly. She shook her head. “There’s one thing I want to ask you. Will you be my maid of honour?” I threw my arms around her immediately. “I’d love to!” squeezing her tightly. She made the teas and moved back into the living room, with me trailing after her. Mum really was happy. Scott was with Vicky and Pete and was about to picked up for another sleepover. “Bye sweetie.” I said to Holly, kissing her head. And she left. I sat back down with Mum and Max. “Hey guys, congratulations. I’m really happy for you.” They smiled and thanked me. I got out my phone and started scrolling through twitter. I searched Olly and flicked through his tweets. His most recent one was from 2 minutes ago. I looked at it, and it made my heart sink. I felt like I was about to cry. “@ollyofficial: these were the days. I love my family loads. Hope everyone’s okay!! Stuck in my house all on my own:( x” and with a picture attached of us. Holly, Olly, Scott and I. UGH.

love at first sight // olly mursWhere stories live. Discover now