chapter thirty two:

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Issy's P.O.V.

"Home sweet home." I said, as Olly helped me out of the car. He grabbed my bags and we went inside. "I really really appreiciate everything you've done for me." I said, kissing his cheek. "Stop thanking me, loser." he said, winking at me. I laughed. We got to the porch and he got out his keys. He inserted the key and we went inside. "I've missed this." I said, hobbling in. Olly dropped the bags and took my into the living room. I was about to sit down when... "SURPRISE!!!" I jumped out of my skin, falling back onto Olly, who looked just as surprised as I was. "What is this..." I asked Olly. He shrugged. Mum came over to me. "Welcome home, love." Mum said. My whole family suddenly appeared. My friends were there, Olly's family were there. "Did you?" I asked Olly, pointing at this. He shook his head. "No idea!" he said, kissing my head. "Mummy!!" Holly said, running up to me. She jumped onto me, giving me a massive cuddle. "Awh i've missed you gorgeous!" I said. Mum passed me Scott, who was grinning like mad. "How's my beautiful boy?" he giggled and I gave him a huge hug. He was 1 year and 4 months now. He mumbled some stuff which I didn't understand. "Show Mummy your walking!" I said, and he did. He was getting so big. Feels like i've been away from there forever. "Thank you mummy." I said, giving her a hug. "It wasn't just me. We're all here for you." she said, looking around at the people, all nodding. I felt so teary. My eyes were welling up. "Don't cry, sweetie!" Vicky said. "I'm sorry, it's just overwhelming!" I said, giving her a hug. "Awh love." she kissed my head. I went over to Pete and gave him a hug. I gave the rest of the family and Olly's family hugs and then I went over to Keira. "Thank you, Kei." I said, giving her a humongous hug. "love you, bezzie." I laughed and sat down. Olly came and sat next to me. "I love you, gorgerous." I smiled and cried into his shoulder. "hey, hey, what's wrong?" he said, moving me back so he looked at me. "I'm just, so so happy, Olly. And it's all down to you." he blushed and kissed me passionately. "None of that please." Pete said. I broke away and blushed. He laughed. "Let's get the food." He said, walking out to the kitchen. 

"Thank you so much, everyone. I really appreciate everything everyone has done." I say, smiling into Olly's chest as he grabs me by the waist and me him. "I just want to say, we're all so proud of you." Olly said, raising his glass. "To Issy." he said. "To Issy." everybody repeated, clicking glasses and taking sips out of them. I got on my tiptoes and whispered something in Olly's ear. He looked at me, grabbed my hand and took me out of the room. 

Olly's P.O.V.

"To Issy!" Everyone said, clicking their glasses together. I could see that Issy was trying to whisper something in my ear, so I leant down a bit so she could reach. She did and I looked at her. I put down my drink, grabbed her hand and shot out the room. "Am I hearing things or did you really just ask me that?" she laughed. "I love you, Olly. It's right." I breathed in. "I love you, so much." I said, grabbing her waist and lifting her up, kissing her. I put her down and we walked back into the room. "Is everything okay?" Mum asked us, looking at Issy. I looked down to Issy and she had tears running down her face. "Come here!" I said, giving her a hug and kissing her head. "We're getting married!" I said. They all jumped up and congratulated us. "I love you, so much, Isabella." she gave me evils but smiled. "I love you too, Oliver." I laughed and kissed her. 

love at first sight // olly mursWhere stories live. Discover now