chapter forty three:

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Olly's P.O.V.

Issy's only been gone for a week and I miss her so much. I've had my tour rehearsals, but that doesn't stop me thinking about my girl. Every song I sing reminds me of her. I've sang them to her at one time or another. I've hardly been sleeping, I hate sleeping in an empty bed. Holly sometimes creeps into bed with me because she can't sleep. Missing Issy too. I dragged myself out of bed and looked at the time. 7am. I had to get Holly and Scott ready. Issy always used to do it. "Hols, get up. Time for school." I went over to her bed, gently shaking her. I went out and Scott was already awake. "Hello little man." I said lifting him out of his bed. "How's my little man?" He didn't reply, but he hasn't stopped crying since Issy left. "It's okay, mummy here...soon." I began welling up, so I put him down and got him changed. "Hols, Mrs Walker is picking you so be ready in 30 minutes." She nodded and got into her school uniform. I haven't checked my phone this morning, so I did. Two messages from my baby.

"Hey my gorgeous Olly. I miss you so much, I want to be in your arms, you cuddling me till I fall asleep. Or watching a movie, snuggled up on the sofa. I just want you to know that I will never leave you, and I was always love you. I will never walk away from our family, you're my life, my world, my everything. I love you so much and I never stop thinking about you. Xxxxxxxxxx"

And then the next one;

"We need to talk."

Wow. Was she going to break up with me or something? My palms began to get sweaty, feeling lightheaded. I put my phone down and walked away.

"Remember to say thank you to Mrs Walker." Holly sighed. "Bye Daddy, love you." "Love you too beautiful." I gave her forehead a kiss and she left. "right little man, lets get you to nursery." I picked him up, put him in his car seat and drove to his nursery.

"See you later. love you." I said to Scott, kissing his forehead. I gave him to the teacher and he immediately started crying. "I'm really sorry, he hasn't stopped crying since...since Issy left." She nodded and turned around. She told me to leave and I did.

On the way back from dropped Scott off I went to rehearsals. i was so late. Crap. I parked my car and literally ran in. "I'm sorry!" I said bursting through the doors. Sarah was there, rolling her eyes. "Let's get going, Ols." I nodded and got on stage.

Issy's P.O.V.

Why hasn't Olly replied to me? I texted him hours ago. I need him to know. I checked my phone literally every two minutes. Maybe he's rehearsing. Ugh. I miss my family so much. I tried calling him - no answer. I sat down on the couch, switching on the telly. Crappy Australian TV. I decided to go and explore the town. I got my keys, phone, purse and headed out the door.

"Issy?" I heard someone say behind me. I turned around, taking a sip of my Starbucks coffee. The boy had sunglasses, with a beanie hat. "Issy..its me, Harry." He whispered. "Oh, hiya!" I said, getting up and giving him a hug. "What're you doing here?" I asked. "Tour! The boys are here around somewhere. Fancy coming for dinner later with us?" He said, trying to be quiet. "I'd love to." He handed me his phone. "Put your number in, I'll give you a text." I laughed and put it in. "I'll see you later, Is." I waved him off and finished my coffee. I got up and began walking back to my apartment. My phone began to buzz, excited it would be Olly but it wasn't.

"Hiiiiii, it's Harry. Meet us at our hotel at 7. Staying at the Corner Inn. See you soon x"

Ah, that was only 10 minutes from mine.

I didn't reply, but got in the shower and got ready. I didn't wan to dress up too much, but I didn't want to look like a slob. I picked my burgundy skater skirt and a white vest top. I put in some gladiator sandals and checked the time. It was 6:45 and still no word from Olly. Was he ignoring me? Hmm. I put my phone in my bag and I set off.

I got to the hotel, and it was 7:02pm. Oops. I walked into the lobby and there were five boys sitting in the seats, which looked really comfortable. They were all facing the opposite direction, so I crept up behind them. "Boo!" I said, making them all jump. "Shit Issy!" Liam said, turning around. "Hello yous!" I said, giving them hugs. "Let's go." Harry said, grabbing onto my hand. What was he doing? We were soon bombarded with paparazzi. That's what he was doing. He pulled me through the crowd, until we reached the car. "I'm sorry about that..." Harry said, stroking my arm. We pulled up outside a low key restaurant, not many people there. We got out, luckily nobody really recognised them. "Ladies first." Harry said, moving his arm so I could sit down. We ordered our meals and drinks.said, laughing. I got out my phone. Still no phone call or text from Olly. Our meals came and we ate them quickly. "Club?" I sighed. "Sure." We all got up and headed towards the car. "Where are we going then?" "We know a little place called Midnight. It's great." Niall said. I nodded.

We got there and it was packed. Wow. "One direction.." Harry quietly said to the bouncer. He nodded his head and we went in. "Drinks are on me, lads!" Louis said, dancing over to the bar. "Coke please." I said. They all looked at me strangely. "Issy cmon!" I shook my head. "Maybe later.." they laughed and Louis got me a coke. "Care to dance, ma'am?" I nodded. Harry held into my hand and led me onto the dance floor. 'Time of my life' from dirty dancing came on, and we were all on the dance floor dancing. "I've had the time of my life!" we screamed. Tonight I felt like I could really let my hair down.

"I don't feel too well..." i began saying, feeling faint. "Come here, I'll take you home." Harry said, holding me up. He went over to the boys and said something to them. "Ok, let's go." We got in his car and I told him where I lived.

"Nice place." I nodded and sat down on the couch. My phone started flashing, a message from Olly, finally. It was sent over two hours ago. Oh.

"Hey darlin'. I miss you so much, you're all I think about. I miss waking up to your beautiful face, and I miss seeing your beautiful face when I fall asleep. I hate sleeping in our bed alone. I'm empty without you. I love you so much. You're my one and only; I promise. See you soon beautiful xxxxxxxxx"

I was just smiling at my phone. "What you smirking at?" Harry said, nudging me. "Olly." I replied. He rolled his eyes and sighed. "I better get going." He said, getting up. "Thank you, see you soon." And he left. I got my phone and went on Skype and called Olly. His face soon appeared on the screen. "hi beautiful." I smiled and breathed in. "Olly, we need to talk." He looked like he was about to cry. Did he think I was breaking up with him? "Olly, I'm not breaking up with you." He looked relieved and laughed. "What's up beautiful?" I breathed in. "Olly, I'm...I'm pregnant."


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