chapter sixty six:

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1 month. 4 weeks. 30 days since I last saw Olly. I miss him so much. The kids miss him too. Hell, even Mum and Max miss his cheeky uplifting spirit.

Speaking of Mum, she woke up two weeks ago. She was allowed to come home a week later, but was only allowed to stay in bed. Which obviously, she ignored.

I dragged myself out of bed, and looked at myself in my mirror. I look a mess. I look a state. I look horrible. My bump was growing, I was now 5 months.

I wish Olly was here to see his bump grow. To see his children grow up, but I guess that's what you have to live with when you're getting married to an international superstar.

"Issy?" I heard Max say from outside my bedroom door.

"Yeah?" I replied, covering my belly with my t-shirt...Olly's t-shirt.

"Do you want me to drop the kids to school and nursery?"

I figured I should open the door instead of talking to my step-dad through the door.

"Are you sure?" He nodded.

"Course. See you later, sweet." He said, kissing my forehead. Max has been great recently. He's really become a good father to me and a good grandfather to the kids. Obviously he will never be my actual father, but I love him anyway.

I went downstairs, to see Mum asleep on the couch. I checked the post, to see we had some. I don't know why but I love it when we had post. There was one for me...weird. I don't even live here and I'm getting post. I set the rest of the post down and opened the letter addressed to me.

"To Issy,

Tonight is Olly's last show of his tour, and I'd love for you to be there. It's at the London 02, we've arranged everything for you, all you need to do is to get ready and not tell Olly! We'll send someone to pick you up at 7.

This might sound horrible, but I advise you not to bring the kids as it can get very loud and not very nice on that tour bus (as you already know).

So yeah, just be ready at 7 and I'll see you later.

Love, Sarah x"

Wow. Okay, YES! I didn't realise today was his last show. To be honest, I haven't even spoken to him since yesterday morning. It's been horrid. Just as I set the letter down, my phone rang.

'Olly xxx' it read.


"Hi babe." I said.

"Hello gorgeous. I miss you so much."

"I miss you too. When's your last show?"

"Next week, I think." What? Sarah just was tonight?

"Oh...okay. I gotta go. I'll...I'll see you soon."

"Okay babe, love you millions."

" you too." I said, hanging up.


Why did he say, that his tour ended in a week? Sarah just told me that it was tonight? What was he hiding from me? Fuck.


It was 6:55pm and I was just applying some more mascara. I was wearing a black dress, just above the knee, with my black heels and blazer over the top. I grabbed my bag and went downstairs.

"I'll see you later, love you." I said to everyone as I closed the door. I waited outside in the cold for about 2 minutes, when a black limo pulled up. No way...

Sarah got out of the car and embraced me in a hug. "Issy! It's so good to see you!"

"You too," I said, getting in the car. "So what's gonna happen tonight?"

She poured herself some champagne and me an orange juice. "Well, you're going to be backstage and you can either go on stage or wait until Olly finishes."

"I think I'll wait." She nodded and smiled.

"Fantastic. Just make sure he doesn't see you when he's changing outfits 'cause he won't concentrate." She said playfully, winking at me. I giggled and the car came to a holt. "We're here." she said, as the driver opened the door.


The final song came on and the atmosphere out there was unbelievable. I could see everyone jumping around and singing. Olly really was amazing.

He said his speech and thanked everyone and he came off stage. Sarah indicated me to come out so he could see me when he came off stage. I stood awkwardly in the middle of the floor, looking down at my shoes.

I then suddenly heard everyone congratulating him, which meant he was here. I snapped my head up, and looked at him. He wasn't paying any attention to me. Until he clocked eyes with me.

Without any warning, he ran up to me and embraced me in a hug, lifting me in the process.

"Hi baby," I said, into his neck.

"Oh my gosh, Issy..." He said, putting me down on the ground, pulling me into a kiss. "What are you doing here?"

"Came to surprise you." He smiled.

"I was going to do that to you tonight." He said, kissing my forehead.


"I told you that I was finishing tour next week so I could come home and surprise you. Look how that worked out, ey."

I laughed. "Blame Sarah."

He rolled his eyes playfully and kissed me again. "I've missed you so much, Issy," he stepped back and looked at my stomach. "And look how big you're getting!" I gasped. "No, no not like that! I mean...the" I shut him up by kissing him, draping my arms around his neck. I could feel him smiling into the kiss, which made me smile.

"Let's go home, yeah? I want to see my family."



love at first sight // olly mursWhere stories live. Discover now