chapter four:

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“I’m going to go now.” I said to Keira. “You sure?” I nodded. I wasn’t in the mood to be with her, with anyone to be honest, I just wanted to be alone. “Bye.” I kissed her cheek and left.

The journey home seemed t go on for hours. I couldn’t help but think about Issy and her new boyfriend. Maybe she really did want to forget about the kiss. And everything. I got home and went straight to bed. Until my phone went off. Twice. Mr popular right here. The first one was from Sarah;

“Well done in the studio Ols, you rocked it. The tracks will be coming in the post soon, S x”

And the other one was from Issy;

“Hey Olly, it’s Issy. I hope you’re okay, you looked sad when I left earlier. Are you at home? I’m in the toilets at the restaurant haha! Can I pop over later? X”

I smiled. She was thinking about me while she was on her date. I replied instantly;

“Hi you. Yeah I’m fine. Erm yeah of course, hope everything is going good with you and Tom xx”

I lied. Well, I just wanted her to be happy. But happy with me. No Olly, stop. You’re with Keira.

1 hour later I heard a knock on the door. I shifted myself off the couch and made my way to the door. Issy still looked the same as she did when she left, absolutely perfect. I smiled at her and let her in.

Issy’s P.O.V.

I had it all planned out – about how I think its best to forget anything that happened, about the kiss and him telling me he loved me and everything. But no. He had to answer the door and smile. I forget everything I was going to say, EVERYTHING. My mind went blank. This was the first time I was going to be alone with Olly in days. “Hello beautiful, come in” why did he have to say that, why. He was so perfect. Oh my god. I smiled at went into Olly’s flat. It ws bigger than I expected. He led me into the living room and sat down on the couch. I sat down next to him. “Listen Olly, I just came here to.. to..” he was looking right into my eyes, his eyes were beautiful. He was smiling at him. His beautiful smile. I lost control of what I was doing and I kissed him. I just, kissed him. I couldn’t stop. He was gripping onto me so tightly, he moved me onto his lap and held me tighter. I tried to talk but everytime I broke away from him he pulled me back. I managed to pull away to say one thing. “Keira.” He shushed me and kissed me again. I could feel him smiling as we were kissing. He picked me up and took me into his bedroom. “What are you doing?” I asked him, during the kisses. He laid me down on his bed. I looked up at him, he was smiling like mad. This was the happiest I’ve seen him in ages. He bent down and kissed me again. I unbuttoned his shirt, still kissing him. He took off my dress and kissed me, even more.

I woke up in Olly’s tight embrace. I turned over and saw Olly’s face peacefully sleeping. I stared at him for a couple of minutes. “can you stop staring at me?” he said, in his adorable sleepy voice, smiling. “morning lazy” I said. He took his arms off me and got up and stretched. “Working on a six pack, Murs?” I said, winking at him. “I have to get the energy I had last night from somewhere didn’t i?” he winked at me, I burst out laughing. And then it hit me. I had sex with Olly Murs. I had sex with my best friend’s boyfriend. “Oh my god, Olly, we had sex.” I said. “Is that what happened last night called?” he laughed. I hit him. “Olly this is serious!” “Fuck yes, it was amazing though.” He said, putting on his jeans. “Well, yeah…” I threw on my dress from last night. “You want any breakfast?” “No, I think I better go home. I’ll have to tell Keira that I spent the night with To- oh my god Tom! I cheated on him! Oh my god I am such a horrible person!” I sat on his bed and put my head in my hands. “It’s a good thing my parents are away” Olly cuddled me and kissed me on the cheek. “Shut up you plonker, you’re such a drama queen.” I smiled and he kissed me on the lips. “Do you know Issy? You’re beautiful.” I smiled and blushed. “Are you and Tom, together now then?” he said. “Yeah, well, he asked me to be his girlfriend yesterday and I said yes but it’s not official or anything but- oh Olly what have I done?” he looked to the ground. He was upset. “I’m happy for you.” He said, heading out the door. I gathered my stuff from last night, said bye to Olly and left.

love at first sight // olly mursWhere stories live. Discover now