chapter twenty three:

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Olly’s P.O.V.

“Mum, I fucked it up. You know I love Issy more than anything in the world. Why did Keira have to turn up? I didn’t even invite her!” I started crying into my Mum’s shoulder, feeling like a little boy again. “What am I meant to do now if I can’t have her?” She shut me up by hitting me softly on my face. “What was that for?” I shouted at her, rubbing my face. “Oliver, sweetie, if you want her back, you can’t just sit here moaning about it, you’re going to have to do something!” she said, taking a sip of her drink. “Your Mother’s right, Oliver.” Dad said, walking into the living room. “It’s been two weeks, she hasn’t answered my calls, texts, when I go round she’s never there, apparently.” I said. Dad suddenly jumped up. “How about a family holiday?!” I actually thought he was joking.. but he was being serious. “You’ve got to be kidding me, right?” I said, laughing into my hands. “Well, why not? It’s a good way to get you two kids back together. How about me, your mum, Issy, her mum and her new fella, you! Maybe even Faye and Louie! Oh and of course the kiddies.” He was being deadly serious. “Sounds like a plan!” I said, getting my ipad out, searching for holidays.

We walked up to the door of Issy’s house, the day of the holiday, which she knows nothing about, by the way. Mum knocked and as I suspected, Esmé answered. “You ready?” I whispered. She nodded her head excitedly. “Love, can you come here?” she shouted to Issy who was upstairs. “What?” She grunted from upstairs. “Issy come here now!” Esmé shouted. She opened her door and came down the stairs, looking rough as ever. “SURPRISE!” we all shouted. She looked alarmed. She looked as if she was going to cry. She took one look and ran upstairs, slamming her door shut. “Hold on.” Esmé said, heading upstairs. I held her arm back, “Can I?” I asked, she nodded. I made my way upstairs and knocked gently on Issy’s door. “Is? Issy? Are you alright? Can I come in?” She didn’t answer, but I heard footsteps coming towards to door, unlocking it. “Olly what are you doing here?” she said, heading back into her bed, crying into her pillow. “I just need you to know that I never asked Keira over. She just turned up.” She sighed. “I heard in your thousand voicemails.” “And hey, what were you doing sneaking out after we were together?” I said, poking her in the stomach. “It should have never of happened, Olly. It was a mistake.” She said, sitting up, cuddling her pillow. “I’m fucked up, Olly.” I moved my hand to meet her cheeks. “I was broken, I was fucked up, I was lost, I didn’t know who I was, but then I met you. You changed my world, my life. I was happier; I was the happiest guy in the world. You put this smile on my face. Knowing you’re safe made me the happiest guy alive. I love you, so much Issy. You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me, and I let you slip through my fingers. I didn’t realise how much of a mess I was until I met you. You brightened my day just by breathing, just by being in the same room, even if I was with someone else. We have two beautiful kids together. We have our baggage, but every couple does. So Isabella. I need to ask you something.” I got down on one knee. “Olly what are you-“ she said, but I continued talking. “Isabella, will you do me the honour, of coming on a holiday with your family?” I said. She nodded. I closed my eyes, expecting her to kiss me. I could feel her warm breath against my cheeks. “Nice try, loser.” I opened my eyes and she was gone. I walked out of the room and she was walking down the stairs, greeting my family. “Holiday then?” they all nodded and she got dressed and we left.

“Remember what I said?” Issy said to Holly, who nodded. “What was it?” Holly was busy thinking, when I went over to them. I stood behind Issy and mimed some stuff to Holly, she said it and Issy elbowed me in the stomach. “Relax, Is!!” I said, going in for a kiss but she quickly pulled away and went to take a seat in the nearby restaurant. “Give it time, Ols.” Faye said, hugging me from the side. I sighed and took a seat at the other end of the table, to try and give her space.

love at first sight // olly mursWhere stories live. Discover now