chapter fifty nine:

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Issy's P.O.V.

"bye beautiful's, I love you millions! I'll call you as soon as we're there." I said to Holly and Scott as Olly pulled me to the car.

"We love you mummy!" Holly said, waving. Scott held his arms up for Holly to pick him up and she did. He started waving frantically and blowing kisses, which he learnt a couple of days ago.

Tears in my eyes began forming. "Oh come on, pain in the arse." Olly said, kissing my temple.

"Oh and Holly? we'll talk about Charlie soon!" Olly said as he quickly got in the car, to prevent Holly shouting at him.

"You know she's going to kill you about that, right?" He nodded.

"Of course. Now buckle up. We're going to Sarah's."


"Olly! Issy!" Sarah said as we knocked on her door. "We're nearly ready to leave. The buses are parked round the back, so just take your stuff and we'll meet you round there and assign you different buses." we all nodded, taking in what Sarah was saying.

We took our suitcases and dragged them behind us as we made our way to the buses.


"Right Olly plus'll be in this one." She said, pointing to the bigger bus. "And the rest of us will be in this one." Pointing the the smaller bus.

"What about Issy?" Olly said, piling his suitcases in the trunk.

"Oh she'll be with me." Sarah said, winking at me. I giggled.

"Hell no! I'm having her with me! There's no way I'm letting my fiancé stay in another bus without me. I bought her here because I didn't wanna be away from her and now she's on another...fucking bus! Sarah I'm not having this."

Sarah and I looked at each other and burst out laughing. Olly looked at us confused and then he gasped.

"Ha-fucking-ha. Very funny," he snaked his arm around my waist and pulled me closer. "I'm getting you back for that." He whispered in my ear so only I could hear. I giggled.

"You can try." I whispered back, walking away from him and putting my suitcase in the trunk.

"Let me do that, weakling." Olly said, taking the suitcase from me and putting it in there. "What have you got in here, rocks?"

"Hey, we're leaving for 2 months, I had to pack literally everything."

"You do realise that we are having a break for a week, so you could of just bought the rest later..." he started laughing and I hit him on his arm.

"I hate you." I said, walking away. He grabbed arm and pulled me into him. I set my arms on his chest and looked up at him through my eyelashes.

"Fuck...i wish you didn't do that." he mumbled. I giggled. "But I love you!" He said louder, pecking my nose.

"I'm marrying you, I have to." He gasped and placed his hand on his heart dramatically.

"Miss Isabella Davis! I am hurt."

"Do you want a kiss?" He pouted like a child and nodded. I moved closer to him, so our lips were centimetres away. "Well tough shit because you're not getting one." I smirked and ran off into the tour bus.

"So close man." I heard Jon say to Olly. I laughed and sat down on own of the beds.

After a long discussion of who's sleeping where, we finally made a decision.

"I'm hungry." I whined. All the lads looked at me.

"She's not like other girls, is she?" I heard one of them whisper.

"Hey," I said, holding my finger out. "I'm feeding for two here." I said, pointing down to my belly. They shrugged their shoulders and laughed.


"Sarah? hey yeah we're hungry. Any restaurants near by?....great."

Olly hung up and placed his phone back in his pocket.

"You know, we haven't started moving yet. she is literally over there," I said pointing to the other bus. "That was so lazy, Mr Murs." I said. He smirked and stuck his tongue out.

"Who invited her?" He jokingly said. "right, well there's a McDonalds around here..."

"YES." I said, a little bit too loud.

"Right, McDonalds it is. Let's go."

"I'll have a Big Mac, large chips and a banana milkshake please." Olly gave me the 'seriously' look. I nodded. "feeding for two, remember." He rolled his eyes and gave me a quick kiss.

"See you in a bit, love you"

"Love you too!" I shouted back.

"We also love you Issy!" The band shouted.

"Yeah and I love you too!" I shouted back, not knowing if they could hear me.

I laid back on my bed. This is going to be a fun few months.




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