chapter eight:

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“Good morning, gorgeous”. I looked up and saw Olly’s face. I smiled at him and then suddenly snapped back to reality. I jumped out of my bed, holding the sheet from the bed. “Olly what are you doing in my bed?!” “Relax babe, you were crying in the night and I came in, you basically dragged me into bed.” He winked at me, signalling me to get back into bed. I got in, and we cuddled for a bit. I looked at the time, “Ugh work.” I got up, but he dragged me down, kissing me on my neck. Weak spot. “Ollllly, stoppppp” I moaned. He allowed me to get up and I got changed. “When you’re back, I need to talk to you.” He said, smiling. “Okay, kiss please.” I pouted my lips and he kissed me. “love you!” I shouted, as I walked out the door. I decided to walk to work, as it was a nice day. I plugged in my music and forgot about the world. It had been 6 months since Dad passed away. I had got my life back together. Olly was literally living with us now, but he’d been away on tour around the UK for a few months and he got back a couple of weeks ago. I still don’t like him in my bed. I don’t know why, I just feel like Dad’s watching us all the time and we can’t have sex or something. Fuck knows. I hadn’t seen Keira since she left for Scotland. I missed her so much, I’d lost my best friend because of a boy. Not any boy, OLLY MURS. I think Olly and I are together. He has never mentioned we were boyfriend and girlfriend, only at the funeral to Taylor. Taylor and I had been in so much contact, we had each other’s numbers, and skypes and we talked every day. I missed him so much. Olly had new songs out, and girls flying at him from all different directions. Paparazzi were outside, not always, but sometimes. While Olly was on tour, he filmed his music video for ‘Runaway’. It was amazing. He was dancing around this girl who looked exactly like me. Freakishly like me. Like she could be my twin or something. And they were at this party, and they were dancing, and then her boyfriend took her away – just like us. I loved it. My thoughts were interrupted when I arrived at work. Louie came up and gave me a hug. “Hello little Louie!” Faye was behind him, and gave me a kiss on the cheek. “Hello lovely” she said to me. Faye and I were close, Olly had obviously told her about me, and we went shopping, got our nails done, did everything together. Like what me and Keira used to do.

Olly’s P.O.V.

“Mate you’ve got to tell her, she’s going to find out one way or another!” “C’mon, what’s the worst that can happen?” “She’s a big girl, she’ll be fine.” Those sentences were going round and round in my head. ‘I’ve got to tell her’ I kept telling myself, I had to. I was going in a week. I had to. Issy came through the door, just as planned. 5 o’clock every weekday. Esmé was getting her life back together and went to stay with her mum for a bit, in America. So it was just Issy and I. “Olly I’m back!” I heard her shout. “In the kitchen!” I called, she came in, looking exhausted. “Olly your nephew is so bloody energetic.” I laughed. “Issy, I’ve got something to tell you..” “you look serious.. What’s up?” I had to say it, I just had to. “Issy, I’m going.. going to Australia.” There I said it. Her smile turned upside down. She tried to smile, but she couldn’t. “How long for?” “2 months..” I said. And the tears started flowing. “Issy I’m sorry, I tried to get out of it, but I couldn’t.” I knelt down beside her. I looked into her eyes, and she kissed me. She wrapped her arms around me and kissed me passionately. She broke away. “When do you go?” “a week today.” She gasped. “A WEEK?!” she stood up, and took my hand. “where are we going?” “You’ve only got a week left, better make the most of it.” She led me up the stairs, to her bedroom, and shut the door.

We both fell on the bed. “wow.” We both said, in sync. “Never knew you had that in you, Murs.” Issy said. I flexed my muscles, “Been working out, just for you.” I rolled over and kissed her. “Cheeky” she said, kissing me back. She got up, and put some clothes on her. “Do you have to?” I said. “Yes, Mr Murs.” She bent down and kissed me. “I’m hungry, pizza?” I asked her. She nodded and went to get her phone to call them. “Come back to bed, Issssssssy” I moaned. She came in and shook her head. “Get up you lazy git!” she threw some clothes at me. I sighed. “fine.” And got up and got changed.

love at first sight // olly mursWhere stories live. Discover now