chapter twelve:

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While Olly was off at a meeting with One Direction, it was me alone, in my house, once again.

--------------------------- 8 weeks later -----------------------------

Olly’s P.O.V.

It’s been a weeks since I got back from America. Oh my goodness it was amazing. Issy’s bump was really big now, not long to go. Keira still wasn’t back yet, so I could go and see Issy every day. When I was away she had a scan. I held the picture in my hand, running my fingers over our child. It was perfect. I didn’t even care what the sex was. It was be mine and Issy’s child. I stared at the scan for about 5 minutes. Until something made me drop it. The door slammed shut. I picked up the photo and stashed it in my pocket. It was too late. “Surprise! What’s that?” Keira said, walking through the living room. “Nothing.. How was-“ she ripped the picture out of my hand. “Why do you have a picture of Issy’s baby scan?” I tried thinking of excuses, but I couldn’t. My brain wasn’t having it. “Its-its yours, isn’t it?” I didn’t say anything. I sat down on the sofa, with my head in my hands. The next thing I heard was Keira rushing out to her car. “Keira where are you going?!” there was only one thing I could do, follow her. I got in my car and followed her. She pulled up at, Issy’s house. I ran out and caught her arm. “Let go of me!” she screamed at my face, and marched up to the door. Issy answered looked surprised. Keira stormed straight in, with me following. “Issy, is the baby, Olly’s?” she asked, calmly. “What?” Issy asked. “Is it?” she didn’t answer. Keira’s hand flew to her mouth, hiding her gasped mouth. “How? How could you do this to me? Do you know what I think of this?” and she ripped up the scan of my baby. “Keira please” Issy said, teras running down her face, but before she could continue Keira’s hand was in contact with Issy’s face. Issy fell to the ground. “Issy! SHE’S PREGNANT YOU IDIOT!” I screamed, pushing Keira out of the way, going to Issy’s saftey. “You and me, we’re done.” Keira said to Issy. And she walked out. Issy was still on the floor. “I’m so so sorry, this is all my fault.” I said,, lifting her up, resting her on the sofa. “Nah, it’s not, it’s not our fault we love each other. It’s not our fault we have chemistry.” She said, I wiped the tears from her eyes. “How’s our little man/girl?” I said, in a baby voice, kissing her stomach. She clasped my face in her hands. “I love you Olly.” kissing me. “I love you too, my beautiful girl.” I said, before kissing her back.

The next couple of weeks, Esmé was back and she said I could stay at their house, while Keira finds somewhere to stay. Today was the 1st anniversary of Issy’s dad’s death. She would go up their every week, giving him some flowers and to talk to him. She’d always go on her own, no matter what. But today was different. She asked me if I could go with her. “Olly, will you come to the cemetry with me today?” I was totally taken back. But obviously I accepted. “I’d love to.” She smiled and went to get ready. Issy looked like she was about to pop. Esmé and I would make fun of her, and she would get so angry. It was funny. But other times she was in so much pain, I felt bad. Issy got a double bed in her room now so we can both fit in there. Luckily Esmé didn’t mind as she knew we wouldn’t be having sex. “Be ready in 10 minutes, Ols.” Issy shouted down to me. I was already ready. She came down 5 minutes later, and we got in the car. “You sure you can fit?” I said, winking at me. She punched me and closed the door. I rubbed my arm, ouch that hurt. “Since you’ve been pregnant, you’ve got a lot tougher, you know.” She winked at me, and then looked out the window.

We arrived at the grave yard in 15 minutes. I hate grave yards. Ghosts, ugh. I shivered. Issy lead me over to Scott’s grave. Issy bent down, and got on her knees, well, she tried to. “Hey Daddy, I’ve bought Olly along with me, because y’know, he is the father of your grandchild.” She grabbed my hand and pulled me down. “I just want you to know, that I miss you every day, and every day my love grows stronger for you.” She put her head on my shoulder. I didn’t know what to say. “Hi Scott,” I took a deep breathe. “Thank you for raising such a beautiful girl. I know, we know, that she’ll make an excellent mum. You’ve done the best job, she’s one in a million.” I started to rain, and Issy continued to talk to Scott. She broke down on me. i pulled her up, so our foreheads were touching. “I love you, you’re so strong, my beautiful girl.” She was smiling and crying at the same time, and she gave me a kiss. “Bye daddy, I love you” she kissed her fingers and placed her fingers on his grave. “Bye Scott, love you man.” I said, awkwardly. Issy took my hand and we walked back to the car. I put my arm over her shoulder, and she buried her head under my armpit. We got in the car, soaking wet, and I turned to face her. “I’m so proud of you, you know? You’re so strong, I don’t know how you do it.” She smiled and wiped the tears from her eyes. “I love you, Mr Murs.” And planted a kiss on my lips. I smiled and turned around to drive. 

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