chapter twenty seven:

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Issy's P.O.V.

"Olly, stop it!" I say to him, as he bites my lip. "Olly! The kids..they're next door!" I giggle as he growls at me. "Please? You can't resist me." he said, standing up, modelling his body. I bit my lip. "You're irresistable, Mr Murs, but no." he pouted his lips and moved back onto the bed. "You tease." I laughed and kissed him. I got up and went to the wardrobe. "Mm, damn that body." Olly said, pointing at me. "Stop staring, you creep." I grabbed my dressing gown and went downstairs. I put some bread in the toaster and bacon in the grill, and waited for them to be done. They were done and I went back upstairs. "And for you, Mr Murs." I said, handing him the plate. "You absolute star!" Olly said, kissing me on my cheek. "If we can't have sex, I make you bacon." he laughed and ate his breakfast. I laughed to myself and maneuvered myself into Holly's bedroom. She was still sound asleep. I then went into Scott's room and so was he, thankfully. It was only 7 o'clock, but he normally woke up at like 6. "ISSY?" Olly shouted. I sighed as I heard Scott crying. I quickly went into his room and picked him up. "shhh, mummy's here." I carried him out and went into my room. "I hate you" I said to Olly. He cheekily smiled and I gave Scott to him as I went to check on Holly. "Mummy?" i heard. "hello beautiful." i said, perching myself on the end of Holly's bed. "Mummy, I don't feel well." she said, beginning to cry. I scooped her up and gave her a hug. "You're burning up. Come on, let's get into bed with daddy and you some medicine." She held onto my hand and walked into our room. "Holly's feeling ill. Go and give daddy a hug." i said, letting go of her hand. She did so and gave Olly a hug. I walked downstairs and walked to the medicine cupboard. I glanced over at the phone, and saw we had a voicemail. I put the medicine down and pressed play. 

"Hello Isabella, this is Mr Trawley. I just thought I'd let you know that your aunt and uncle, have been let out of prison. If you want to talk about anything, give me a call on 03289456712. Thank you, bye."

My heart literally sunk. I felt like i was going to faint. My palms got sweaty, and my head went dizzy. I sat down, and dropped my head in my hands. I must of been sitting there for about 15 minutes. I heard someone coming down the stairs. I could hear Olly calling my name, but I was so zoned out that I could hardly hear him. His voice suddenly became clearer. "Issy? Come on Issy, tell me what's wrong. You're scaring me." I looked up, tears rolling down my face. I looked at the phone, and he pressed play. He listened to the message over and over again. "I-I I don't know what to say." I shrugged my shoulders. He bent down in front of me, and looked me in the eyes. "If they ever come near you or my family, I will personally kill them, okay? I swear to you, I will not let them come anywhere near you. I will protect you no matter what. I love you so much and I will never let anything ever happen to you." I smiled and he kissed me. "I love you, baby." I said, kissing him again. "What if they...they come near us..and-" he shushed me and shook his head. "Don't. They won't." I nodded and we went upstairs. Holly was asleep in our bed, and Scott was playing with his toys, looking happy. That's all I want. Happiness.

2 days had passed and Mum was coming back from her honeymoon in 2 days. I had been going round to their house every couple of days to feed their fish. Fun. I was going over today. Olly normally came with me, but he had a meeting today so he couldn't. I hadn't left the house on my own since the phonecall. Olly wouldn't let me and I've been too afraid. "I'll see you later, beautiful. Call me as soon as you're home." I laughed and nodded. "Have a nice meeting." He tutted and I left. I got in my car and drove to my mum's house. I drove up the drive and got out the car. i got out my key, but it turned out I didn't need it - the door was already open. I stepped in, and the house was trashed. "Hello?" i said, nervously. No answer. I walked into the living room, trashed. The photos were all over the floor, the TV was cracked, the sofa was turned over. I walked into the kitchen and dining room, both trashed. I made my way upstairs. Where there were pictures of Dad, Mum and me, destroyed, ruined. The whole house was trashed. I walked into my old room, and sat on the bed. Who could of done this? I suddenly heard the door slam shut. I didn't move, I couldn't move. "Olly?"

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