chapter sixty three:

931 26 0

Issy's P.O.V.

I could feel my phone vibrating under me. I got up and found my phone. Olly. There was a picture of Olly, with no shirt on. Yeah...he set that. I realised I was just looking at the picture, instead of picking it up.

"Hello?" I said, holding the phone to my ear.

"Hi beautiful, you were peacefully sleeping when we left but now I see you're awake." He chuckled a bit.

"Yeah, someone woke me up."

"Come outside?" He asked.

I scoffed. "I think I'll just stay here, thanks."

"Isabella Davis, come outside. Now."

I sighed and got up. "You're so ann-" I stopped talking when I saw Olly standing outside the tour bus, with a box in his hand. "W-what?"

"I'm taking you out." he said, giving me the box. "Go and get dressed, I'll see you out here in 15 minutes." I gave him the 'are you serious' look and he laughed. "Okay okay, 30 minutes."

"Love youuuuu" I sang, as I went back into the tour bus to get changed.


I opened the box and found...a pair of ice skates? What the hell.... I got out a pair of black jeans and my Jack Wills sweatshirt and change into them.

I made my way to the front of the bus, with the skates in my hand.

I opened the door and saw Olly standing there, looking at something on his phone. I took this opportunity to take in how handsome he looks. His hair in a perfect quiff, with a few straggly pieces. He's wearing a plain blue t-shirt with a blazer over the top, and skinny black jeans, like me. He looked up and smiled.

I walked towards him and shoved the skates in his face. "What the hell, Olly?" He smiled again.

"Like I said before, I'm taking you out."

"But...what about the tour?"

"Babe, it's not until 7 and it's..." He looked at his watch and shoved it in my face, "it's not even noon."

I rolled my eyes and took his hand as we began walking.

"Where are we going?" He tapped his nose and I rolled my eyes again. "Please don't say we're know I have car legs!"

"Babe, it's really not that far." I sighed and we walked in silence. It wasn't an uncomfortable silence or an awkward silence. It was perfect.

"We're here," Olly said, as he led me into an empty ice-rink. I was literally speechless. Olly noticed and began talking again. "I remember you asking your dad if he could take you ice-skating, and he said 'one day'. Well, I know he can't now, so me, being the man in your life, decided to do it for you."

There was a couple of moments silence, me still not believing this was happening. "But...that was years ago?! How do you even remember that?"

He smiled. "I remember everything you tell me babe, you're the most important thing in my life. It was love at first sight, babe."


Sorry it's so short!!!


love at first sight // olly mursWhere stories live. Discover now