chapter fifty one:

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Olly's P.O.V.

"B-but we haven't got anything ready? No" I stop talking when Issy starts laughing. "I didn't mean right this second, you idiot! I meant, in the next couple of months...preferably before I start getting fat." she said, placing her hands on her stomach. "Don't be silly. You're perfect and I love you." I said, pecking her forehead. I grabbed the calendar from the wall and placed it on the table. I say down by the table, and hit my legs, indication Issy come and sit on them. She laughed and sat down on my lap. "Right...let's pick a date then." I said, before we started scanning the calendar.

"There." We both said in unison, pointing to the date. I smiled and she smiled too. "That's got to be it then, babe." I said, ksising her forehead. She nodded slightly and got up. "Wh-where you going?" I said, slightly scared she was having second thoughts. "I want to hand-write the invitations, so I'm going to get some, and whilst I'm away, you try and think of who you want and I'll do mine when I'm back." I laughed and saluted her. She grabed her coat and bag and i jumped up from the table and ran over to her, grabbing her waist. "Don't I get my goodbye kiss?" I said, pouting. She laughing and kissed my nose. "See you in a bit, love you!" She shouted, before going out the door. 

So that's it. Issy and I are getting married June 24th. No significant date. Yet we both picked it. Weird, huh. Just two months away, to try and get everything ready. How we're going to pull it off I have no idea. I want Issy to include me but I have some idea that she'll want to do it on her own. We agreed not to tell anyone, until the invitations were sent. I grabbed a piece of paper and started writing down who I wanted to attend.






Gran and Gramps

Aunts and Uncles




Simon Cowell?


Robbie Williams?


Many names later I was done. It has been 2 hours since Issy left, where is she? I was about to get out my phone when she came through the door, with two very energetic children. "Daddy! Mummy told us!" Holly said, bouncing into the living room. "Did she now?" I said, winking at Issy. She rolled her eyes and smirked. "They had to be the first to know..." I nodded in agreement. "Olly, can I see you for a minute?" I nodded and we walked out of the living room. "Keep an eye on your brother, Hols." she stuck her tongue out and cuddled him. I smiled and followed Issy. "What's up baby?" She put the bag on the table, which I'm guessing has the invitations in. "What do you think about Holly being the flower girl and Scott being the ring bearer? Like, you know in Princess Diaries, where someone carries him down?" I nod, but laugh. "What where Mia goes to marry Andrew but never does and then ends up marrying Nicholas?" She bits her lip to stop herself from laughing. "I don't know where that came from..." I said, feeling embarrassed. She came up and gave me a cuddle, before laughing into me. "I love you, even if you are gay." I scoff and push her away, pretending to be hurt. "I do love you, you know that right?" she said, turning away from me, walking back into the living room. "I love you more." She smiled, and gasped as she walked into the living room. "Oh my gosh, Hols what have you done?!" She said, before laughing. I ran into the living room, and immediatley started laughing. "Oh Hols, I do love you." I said, picking her up. Scott was sat on Issy's lap, dressed in a Fairy costume with make-up on. I gave her a cuddle and kissed her head. "Hols, Scotty, there's something your Mum and I want to ask you..." I begin, before giving Issy a nod for her to continue. I sat on the floor, with Holly sitting on my lap. "Hols, how would you like to be the flower girl at our wedding?" She stood up and jumped around. "Yes yes yes!" She said, dancing around the room. "Even though you can't understand me, you're going to be our ring bearer." Issy said in a baby voice, pinching his cheeks. Even though he didn't know what she was saying, he was still getting very excited. 

"Ols, this is really happening... We're going to be married soon, in a matter of months." She said, before sitting on my lap, admiring our children. "Right, off to bed." I said, while Issy hurried them upstairs, and getting them undressed and dressed into their pj's. I sat down by the kitchen table and grabbed a bottle of beer. I was looking through my list of people, thinking if there's anybody else I should add. Should invite Keira? Or should Issy? I decided to let Issy invite her. 

Issy came back into the kitchen, after half an hour of trying to get the kids to sleep. I handed her a glass of wine, and she looked relieved. "I've done my list...have you done yours?" she shook her head. "I-I don't know whether to invite Keira or not. I mean, she's, well she was my best friend...But it's obvious she still has feelings for you? Will she try and stop the wedding?" I shook my head. "I think she's over me now. Well, you know..I hope she is. I think you should invite her. She'll support you." She sighed and nodded. "I suppose so. You're amazing." She complimented me. She got out the invitations and started writing them. 

"Right...I think that's all of them." she went through the list, for the 10th time. "I'm going to go and post them..." I looked at my watch. "It's 11? Why don't we just wait till morning." She shrugged. "Just want to do it now." I nodded and she kissed me. "I'll be just a minute." She left. I went up to the bedroom, undressed and got under the covers.

Issy's P.O.V.

"I thought you weren't going to come." My worst nightmare, David, said. 


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