chapter seventy five:

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"Mummy! Mummy! Mummy!" I heard as I pulled up outside the school. Holly came running out, good thing she was wearing pump shoes.

She clambered in the car, kissing Scott who was sitting in the back in his car seat.

"Hi mummy! Hi daddy!" She squealed. "it was absolutely amazing! I danced all evening! And guess what!" She pulled out a tiara out of her bag and a ribbon that went across her body. "I was Prom Queen and and Charlie was Prom King!"

She kept talking about Prom until we got home.

"Right, go to bed beautiful. It's late okay, night night." I said, kissing her forehead.

"Night mummy." She turned on her side and I walked out the door, switching off her light.

Scott was fast asleep, snoring lightly.

I walked into the front room and Olly was holding a beer and a glass of wine was sitting on the table.

"You life saver." I muttered, jumping on the sofa and downing the wine, forgetting it was alcohol.

"Hey hey, calm. You're a lightweight remember." Olly mused, chuckling at me.

"No I'm not!" I argued, crossing my arms like a child.

"Come here." He said, holding his arm out as I placed my head on his chest.

"Let's watch frozen." He sighed, clicking on Frozen and it coming up on our TV.


"Love is an open dooooooooor! Olly! Why aren't you harmonzing! This is it! Dooooooor!" I looked to Olly, noticing he was asleep. Bloody hell. I kissed his forehead, turning off Frozen an grabbing a blanket, and falling into a blissful sleep.


Sorry for shortness! Not sure what to write anymore 😔

Guys I wanna get to know my readers; so I think you should all message me 'hi' and I will reply and we can be best friends and I can ask for advice! Good ok bye x

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