chapter eleven:

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Every other day, Olly turned up at my house at 12 o’clock exactly. It was 12. The doorbell rang. I went to open it. “Hello beautiful.” He said, pushing me up against the wall, kissing me. “Olly, my mum’s here.” I whispered, he straightened himself up, and walked into the living room. “Hello Esmé! I was just, checking if..Issy..wanted anything from the shop.” He said, lying. “Olly, I know what’s been going on.” He laughed awkwardly. “Sit down, Olly.” mum said, pointing to the sofa. I sat down next to him. My mum and I agreed that we would tell him, together. I held his hand, he squeezed it, and smiled at me. “What’s up?” he said, still smiling. “Olly.. I don’t know how to tell you this but I’m just going to come out with it.” I took a deep breathe. “I’m pregnant.” His smile faded and his hold on my hand loosened. He was frozen. He wasn’t moving. I clicked my fingers a couple of times, but he was unresponsive. “Oh, and you’re probably the dad.” I said, adding on the end. After a couple of minutes, he wiped his hands on his jeans, got up, and left. “Guess that’s it then.” I said, walking over to mum, giving her a hug.

Olly’s P.O.V.

Me, Olly Murs, was going to be a dad? YES! I can’t wait! I was driving to the supermarket, with a massive smile on my face. I arrived and went straight for the baby stuff. I arrived back at Issy’s house, holding the bag. I rang the doorbell, and Issy answered. I kissed her. “Olly what the-“ I broke her off, lifting her up, and kissing her. We walked into the living room, with a massive smile plastered on both our faces. “So you’re not angry?” Issy asked me. “Angry? Angry? No! I’m going to be a daddy!” I said, kissing her again. I handed her the bag. “Here.” she opened it, and saw a teddy bear, and a couple of baby clothes. “Oh Olly.” she said, wrapping her arms around my neck. I put my hands on her stomach and got down to its level. “Hello little man/little girl, it’s your daddy here.” Esmé and Issy both laughed. “Get off” Issy said, slapping me around my head. I got up and rubbed my head. I was so happy. Until it hit me. Keira. “Issy, what are we going to tell Keira?” I asked, panicking. “Just say it’s Mark’s.” Issy said, looking down, twiddling her fingers. “And what about Mark?” she laughed. “I ended it with him, two weeks ago.” “Why didn’t you tell me?!” “I was a bit preoccupied.” She said, winking at me. Esmé tutted. “C’mon guys, group hug.” She said, pulling us into a hug. I can’t believe I was going to be a dad. My own child. With the girl I love.

Esmé had left and Issy and I had put on a movie. “Olly?” Issy asked me “Yeah babe?” I replied. “are you still going to marry Keira?” I sighed. “Hmm, I don’t know. Your friendship with her is more important.” She nodded and nestled her head into my chest. “Have you set a date?” “Not yet, next year sometime.” She nestled into me more, holding me closer, like she never wanted to let me go. I smiled. “I’m never letting you go again.” I looked down, and she was asleep. I kissed her forehead and watched the rest of the film.

“Issy? Babe?” I said, gently shaking her. She stirred a bit. “I’ve got to go, I love you.” She sat up and kissed me. “I love you too.” She said. I kissed her stomach. “I love you too little man/girl.” She laughed. Her laugh, wow. She waved me off, and closed the door.

Issy’s P.O.V.

The next 5 months were hell. Mum was hardly here, and Olly couldn’t get away from Keira, so I was here on my own. But Keira said that her aunt was ill so she was going to go over and stay with them for a while, so I’ll have Olly for myself. He said he was coming over at around 4. My bump was pretty big now, and we don’t know the sex. Olly and I chose that we didn’t want to know until the day. Olly had been coming to every single one of my doctor appointments, how Keira didn’t know I’ll never know. Olly drove into the drive. He walked up, locking his car. He had his own key now. “ah my beautiful girl.” I greeted him at the door. “and how’s my gorgeous child?” he said, in a baby voice. I loved it when he did that. It was cute. We sat down in the living room and switched on the TV. Olly put his arm around my and I rested my head on his shoulder. “Olly? How long do you have?” I asked him, he looked down, and gave me a kiss. “Issy.. I have to go away for a while.” “How-how long?” “6 weeks.” I didn’t say anything. I was just staring at the TV. Didn’t move, didn’t do anything. I could feel him doing circles on my back with his thumbs. “Issy, I’m going to America. For a tour, and, yeah, I won’t be back for six weeks. It’s absolutely killing me that I cant see you, but I am skyping you, calling you, texting you every single day. I promise.” He said, planting a kiss on my forehead. “Okay” I simply said. He cuddled me, tighter. I was so tired recently, been up most of the night being sick, and sneaking downstairs to get food. I can’t believe Olly would be gone for 6 weeks. “What if I give birth and you’re not here?” I said. He started laughed. “Issy, babe, you’re only 5 months!” I poked him in the stomach, “and?! I could go into labour premature!” he laughed. “Fine, if you give birth 4 months earlier than expected, I will get a plane home and come and meet you at the hospital. Deal?” we shook on it, and went back to watch TV. “When do you leave then?” I asked him, after a couple of minutes silence. “Next Tuesday.” I nodded, “Want some food?” I asked him. “I’ll get it, my lady.” I laughed as he manoovered into the kitchen. He came back seconds later with a bowl of popcorn and chocolate. “You know me so well.” He cheekily smiled and sat back down. As soon as he sat down, the doorbell went. “I’ll get it” he said, getting up before I could. “Hey guys, what are you doing here? How’d you know I was here?” I heard Olly say. He came in later with 5 people. Louis Tomlinson, Harry Styles, Niall Horan, Liam Payne and Zayn Malik. I shot up straight away. They came over to me, and gave me hugs and kisses. What. One Direction were in my living room. Wow. “She’s getting big man, well done fella!” I gave Olly the ‘I can’t believe you told them’ stare. He shook Harry’s hand and smiled at me. “So, has he told you about America?” Louis asked me, sitting next to me. “you’re touring with, One Direction?” he nodded. “as if, Olly!” he chuckled. Niall sat down beside me “Hello pretty lady.” “erm, hello?” I said, laughing at his actions. He put his arm around my waist, and I glanced over at Olly. I could tell he was getting angry. I quickly moved away and went into the kitchen, followed by Olly. “Can you believe Niall?! Putting his arm around your waist! What the fuck was that about!” he whispered/shouted. “Shh, Olly.” I kissed him on the lips and let go. “I’m not finished with that” he said, pulling me closer until our lips collided. “We have guests” I mumbled as our lips were touching. “shh” he said, kissing me more. “Issy and Olly sitting in a tree, K I S S I N G” the boys chanted, walking into the kitchen. I quickly pulled away while Olly was left there. “C’mon mate, we’ve got to go.” Zayn said, tugging on Olly’s arm. He nodded. ‘I’m sorry’ he mouthed. I blew him a kiss, ‘I love you’ I mouthed back to him. he blew me a kiss back ‘I love you too’.

love at first sight // olly mursWhere stories live. Discover now