chapter twenty eight:

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Olly's P.O.V.

"Where is your mummy, ey?" I said, bouncing Scott up and down on my knee. "She's been gone for about 4 hours." I said, not like he was paying any attention. Where was she? Holly was at school and I was getting really worried. I got out my phone and called Mum. "Hey mum, can you look after Scott for an hour or so?..Thanks so much. See you in a bit." and hung up. "Let's go and see nanny." i said to Scott, getting his coat on. I got in my car and drove to mum's.

"Thank you so much for this." I said, handing Scott to mum. "What's up?" she asked. I shrugged my shoulders. "Issy's been gone for about 4 hours and she's not picking up her phone. I'm worried and.. I'll explain later." she nodded and I left. I drove to Esme's house. The door was slightly open, I pushed it and went in. "Hello?" I said, searching the house. It was completely trashed. "Issy? Issy come on, where are you?" Just as I spoke, I heard the floorboards creak, coming from the kitchen. I crept my way there. I slowly opened the door, seeing Issy lying on the floor. "Issy!" I slammed the door open and ran over to Issy. "Issy! Oh my gosh, Issy, speak to me baby!" I shook her a couple of times. Her eyes flickered open. "Olly.." she said, pointing behind. I turned around and saw a person coming towards me. I had adrenaline running through me, I felt like I wanted to kill him. I grabbed the baseball bat he had in his hand on dropped it on the floor. "I will fucking kill you." I said, grabbing his face, pushing him to the wall. "How dare you even touch my girlfriend. I swear I will fucking end you." I took my fist and and punched him in the face, several times. I couldn't stop, I just had to. He hurt my beautiful girl, I just wanted to kill him. "Olly..stop." Issy said. I looked over to her, she needed me. I let go of him and ran over to Issy. "It'll be okay. It'll be okay." I kissed her forehead and someone entered. Her aunt. She immediatley ran over to the man, who I'm assuming is Issy's uncle. "You stay away from my family. Or I will fucking end you." I said. They both sniggered. I went to get up, but Issy pulled me down. She shook her head. "They're not worth it." I put Issy's head on my lap, and I rubbed her head, and kissed her forehead. "You'll be okay, I swear." I repeated. 'She'll be okay.' I repeated round and round in my head. I got out my phone and dialled 999. "Ambulance please." and within 10 minutes they were here. The police also came and took her aunt and uncle away. I hated seing Issy like this, and I can't do anything about it.

I broke down in the ambulance. The paramedic put his hand on my shoulder. "She'll be okay, you got her at the right point. If you left her any longer she would of been, well, much worse." I smiled and grabbed Issy's hand. "You'll be okay, I love you, don't leave me." She squeezed my hand and smiled. "Not yet, I love you too." I got up and kissed her forehead. 

We finally arrived at the hospital and they took her right into a room. "Please wait outside, Sir." a nurse said to me. "But.." I replied, but she was gone. I found a seat and sat there for about 2 hours. "Mr Murs?" someone said, coming out the door. "Yes?" I shot up and met him. "She's stable, but she's badly bruised. It may take a couple of weeks, months even, but she'll be okay. That's always a positive." I shook his hand and went in to see her. I was surprised to see that she was up. "Hey you beautiful." I said, walking over to her, kissing her lips. "How you doing?" I said, winking at her. She laughed and shrugged. "I hate hospitals." she said. I sighed. "I know you do baby." I sat on her bed and hugged her. "We'll be out of here in no time." she smiled and kissed me. "I wanna see the kids." she said. "Here?" she nodded. "Okay sweetie, i'll be back soon." and kissed her and exited. 

love at first sight // olly mursWhere stories live. Discover now