chapter twenty one:

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Issy’s P.O.V.

Two months had passed and nothing has changed. I was stuck in my house for most of the time. I wasn’t even in the mood to talk, to go out, to anything. I made a huge mistake. I should have never broken up with Olly. Every relationship has it’s ups and downs. Why why why why why why why did I do it? I got myself up, and went downstairs. “Hello sweetie.” Mum said, making some pancakes. “You hungry?” I shook my head. She tutted. “You haven’t eaten in days.” “I’m not hungry.” I bluntly replied. She shrugged it off. Holly came bouncing in. “Mummy, mummy can we see Daddy today?” she said. I rubbed my face with my hands. “Sure. Go and call him.” and she did so. She knew his number off by heart, I don’t even know how. “Where’s Scott?” I asked Mum. She pointed to the living room. “He’s asleep.” I nodded. I heard footsteps coming down the stairs and suddenly Max appeared. I put on my happy face. “Hiya Max.” he smiled. “Hello Issy. Hello gorgeous.” and he kissed Mum. “Guys please, no!” I said, they both laughed. Holly came bouncing back in. “Mummy he’s going to pick us up and 10 and he said he’s got someone to show us!” my heart sank. “Did he say who?” I asked. Holly shook her head. “He sounded excited though!” she said, running up to her room. Mum came over to me and gave me a hug. “Oh sweetie.” She said. “I’m fine, honestly.” I lied. She knew I was lying but she let it go. “Go and get dressed, I’m taking you out.” She said. “Where?” I replied. She tapped her nose. “Now go!” and I did so. Where were we going? Hmm, I don’t really care.. I just think she wants me to get out of the house. I went into my bedroom and flicked through my wardrobe. Hardly anything. Most of my stuff was still at Olly’s. I just haven’t been round there. I haven’t even seen him since that day. I’m avoiding him, ugh. I got some jeans and a baggy jumper and some converses. I couldn’t be bothered to do my hair so I put on a trilby that Olly gave to me. It still smelt of him. His perfect scent.  Was interrupted by a knock on the door. “Mummy, Daddy’s here.” “Okay sweetie, have a nice day.” I said, giving her a kiss. “He wants to see you.” She said, pulling me out of my room and down the stairs. I walked down and he was leaning up against the door frame. He looked so perfect. But exhausted. Like he hasn’t slept in days, months. A smile suddenly appeared on his face when he saw me. Don’t. His smile. Don’t. It was perfect. A smile appeared on my face. I can’t even remember the last time I smiled. Even Mum noticed and was smiling herself. I heard a car door slam shut and someone walking up the path. Olly suddenly broke the eye contact and turned around. A woman, who was thin and tall, had long blonde hair and blue eyes, suddenly appeared. “Hello! You must be Issy.” She said, holding her hand out to me. I walked down the remainder of the stairs and shook it. I nodded slowly. Olly coughed. “This is Lara. She’s my…” he paused. “Girlfriend.” She said finishing his sentence. Girlfriend? I thought. My heart literally felt like it crumbled into a thousand pieces. “And this must be Holly!” Lara said, holding her hand out. Holly ignored her and ran up to me. She held onto my leg, not wanting to let go. “Sorry, she’s um..not that good with strangers.” I detached her from me and bent down to her level. “Go and have fun, okay? Mummy will see you tonight. I love you, princess.” I said, she hugged me, like she never wanted to let me go. Olly came over and pulled her off me. I moved into the living room and got Scott. “Oh isn’t he a beautiful boy!” Lara shouted. Scott suddenly woke up and began crying. I sighed, and lifted him out of the seat. “Shh, it’s okay, Mummy’s here.” I said, as I rocked him. He eventually stopped and I put him in the car seat. “Mummy will see you tonight” I said. He drifted back to sleep and I handed him to Olly. As I did, our hands touched. Fireworks. Like the first time I touched him, the first time I kissed him. He felt it too. I could tell. I slowly took my hand away and they left. “Bye!” I shouted, and shut the door. “Right.. I’m going to go and get changed!” Mum said, darting upstairs. I sat down on the stairs, with my head in my hands. And just started crying. Max bent down in front of me. “Hey, are you okay?” I nodded, but it suddenly changed into a shaking of the head. “No, no I’m not.” I said. He hugged me and told me everything was going to be okay. “You’re worth a million of her, okay? She’s nothing compared to you. And, you can already tell that you’re a better mum than she’ll ever be! Those kids adore you, and that’s the only reason why you’re here, for the kids. They need you. Don’t give up, just yet.” He said. I hugged him and thanked him. I let go and mum came down the stairs. I wiped my eyes. “Right, let’s go! See you later, darling. She said, kissing Max on the cheek. “Have a nice day!” he said, shutting the door.

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