chapter seventy one:

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Olly and I have been married couples for 2 weeks. 2 weeks I've been married to the love of my life, the father of my children, my soul mate, my best friend...

We've been back from the Caribbean for 2 days, and it's horrible. It's raining, cold and horrible. Holly and I are going shopping for Prom Dresses today, as she got asked by Charlie a few weeks ago. She's so excited.

Her Prom is in a week and freaking out about every little thing.

"C'mon Hols, we're leaving!" I pecked Olly gently and smiled. "I'll see you in a couple of hours. Don't have too much fun without me."

"Never, Mrs. Murs." He said, slapping my bum gently. I gasped and Holly came running down the stairs.

"I'm ready!" She shouted at the top of her voice.

"Wish me luck." I whispered to Olly, as he crossed his fingers.

We got in the car and drove to the nearest shopping centre. Holly grabbed a CD and blasted it at the loudest volume. One Direction.

"You like them, huh?" She nodded.


Olly's P.O.V.

Holly and Issy had been gone for about two hours, and it was now 5 o'clock. I figured I'd cook them dinner.

I still can't believe I'm married. To Issy. It just doesn't seem real. Like I'm in this massive dream. And I'm loving every second of it.

The doorbell rang and I got up to answer it, expecting it to be Issy. But no, I was wrong.

"Keira...hi? Issy's gone out but-" I was interrupting by her lips pressed tightly on mine.

I pushed her off me and he had a mischievous grin on her face. "Boy have I missed that." She said, giggling.

"What the fuck, Keira?!" I shouted at her. She closed the door and walked towards me. I backed away and held my hands out in front of me. "I love Issy. Issy is my wife. Don't you dare touch me." I spat.

Her grin didn't move from her mouth, still moving towards me. "But where is Issy now? She doesn't have to know."

"No! No! Stop. Issy is my world. I love her with all my heart. I'd never cheat in her with anyone let alone you! You're meant to be her best friend? What the fuck is wrong with you? Don't you think if I wanted you and loved you I would have stuck with you in the first place?!" I stopped talking when Keira's hand was pressed against my cheek, leaving a red mark.

I closed my eyes and breathed deeply. "Get out or I swear to God I will call the police."

She huffed, walking out of the door, slamming it behind her.

I walked back into the kitchen, and started cooking my roast.

Should I tell Issy? She doesn't need to know, does she? It will just hurt her more...and I don't want that.

Okay, it's settled. I won't tell her.


Short, boring, blah.

I think this story is coming to an end cos I have no idea what to write!!!

As always, vote for more x

love at first sight // olly mursWhere stories live. Discover now