chapter sixty seven:

818 34 4

June 20th.

4 days before the wedding.

4 days before I marry the love of my life.

4 days before I marry Oliver Stanley Murs.

"Issy!" I heard someone shout, as I swirl the milk in my bowl around with my spoon. I lifted my head off my hands and looked up.


"Issy, I've been calling you and everything. We need to go to the Church and get everything sorted." Keira said, as she grabbed my hand and led me out the door.

"Can I get changed first?" She laughed and nodded.

Minutes later I came down dressed in a t-shirt, tucked into my skater skirt. I put on my vans and grabbed my bag.

We stepped outside and the heat hit me. Hard.

"Bloody hell, it's hot out here." She nodded in agreement and we got in her car.


"I'm so excited, Mum!" I said, as we sat down for dinner. Olly had been staying at his parents and has also taken the kids. I miss them all like crazy.

"I can tell, kiddo. Your father would be so proud of you. I know I am." She said, holding onto my hand, tears forming in her eyes.

" know what happens when you start crying..."

"Yes yes, I start crying then you start crying and then we're both messes. But I can't help it, my little baby is growing up! I love you, so so much."

"I love you too, mummy." I said, as I finished my meal.


June 22nd.

Two fucking days.

Holy crap man.

"Olly! We're getting married in two days!" I shouted, not even caring if he was still asleep.

"Mmm, but at the moment, it's sleep time. Come 'ere and let's go back to sleep." He said. He held him arm out and I snuggled into the crook of his neck, and somehow fell back asleep.


"Mummy! Mum! Mumma!" I heard someone shout in my ear. I slowly opened my eyes and saw Holly smiling down on me.

"Hey princess." I said, rubbing my eyes, slowly getting up. "Where's Daddy?"

"He's downstairs somewhere. Anyway, you know middle school prom is like, a month away?"

Where is she going with this... "Yes..."

"CHARLIE ASKED ME!" She said, throwing her hands in the air and jumping around.

"Wow! Congrats baby!" I said, giving her a hug. "After the wedding, do you want to have a girly day with mummy and go look from Prom dresses?"

She nodded excitedly and exited the room.

"What the hell was that about?" I heard Olly say from outside the door. He opened it and looked between Holly and I. Holly sheepishly smiled and skipped away.

"Someone just got a date to the middle school prom."

"WHAT?" He shouted, storming out of the room. Oh god.

I rushed down the stairs after him and pulled on his arm. "Olly, please don't ruin this for her. She's happy and that's all that matters, yeah?"

He nodded and breathed in. "HOL?" He shouted. She came running out.

"Yes, Daddy?" She asked, innocently.

"Can I meet your date?" She nodded and clapped.

"I'll bring him round or dinner tonight! I'm going to go to school now, see you later. Love you."

"Love you too, sweetheart." I said, picking up Scott and tickling him.

"Babe, I've got to go to a meeting quickly, but i'll be back soon." I nodded and he kissed my forehead.

"Looks like it's just you and me, Scotty. Do you wanna go to the park and get some ice-cream?" He nodded.

"Scott loves ice cream!"

"I know you do, Scotty. Let's go."

I picked Scott up and we went out the door, grabbing my keys and phone, with some money in the process.


The park was quiet. Very quiet. It was weird. Even though it's a school day, there's normally some old biddies or some mothers with their children.

As if right on que, about ten screaming girls came running up to me.

"Oh my gosh, you're getting married to Olly Murs!"

"You're so pretty! Where did you get your outfit from?"

"Can I have a picture!"

"And an autograph!"

"I love you, Issy!"

They were all just standing there, with smiling faces, getting too close to me. "I-I have to get my son."

I rushed off and went to the slide where Scott was. "C'mon Scott, we're leaving."

"But mummy! No!" He said, stamping his foot and crossing his arms over his chest.

I was about to tell him off but the same girls from earlier came rushing over.

"Oh my god Scott! This is Scott right?"

"You're beautiful!"

"Can I have a picture with him?!"

Scott burst into tears and I scooped him up in my arms. I had enough.

"Right, you can harass me and harass Olly all you want. But you will not, and I mean will never harass my children. Now please, let me leave with my son."

They all had nothing to say. Except one girl. She looked about 16. "Bitch." She muttered under her breathe.

"Excuse me?" I said, as the rest of the girls spaced out a bit.

"I said, you bitch!" She shouted, laughing.

"You do not use that language. And I don't mean to be rude, but do you actually know me? No you don't. So stop judging me before you even know me!"

"You don't deserve Olly. You're ugly. You're fat. You're not famous. You're annoying. You're just a plain old bitch."

I turned around with Scott in my arms and his head resting on my shoulders. I wasn't going to listen to this shit, and nor was I going to retaliate.

"Mummy okay?" I nodded, sniffing.

"Mummy's fine."

"Mummy?" Scott said lifting his head.

"Yes sweetie?"

"Mummy's beautiful." I smiled and tears began to fall.

"I love you, gorgeous." I said, cuddling him and kissing his forehead.

"Lub you too mumma." he said, giving me a sloppery kiss on the cheek.



love at first sight // olly mursWhere stories live. Discover now