chapter seventy four:

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Holly was dressed in her beautiful dress and her hair was perfectly done. She had a light amount of make up on, she wanted loads because 'all her friends did', but I simply said no.

Holly walked downstairs, to meet Charlie and Olly who were waiting in the living room.

Neither of them have seen the dress yet.

"You look beautiful, Hol." she giggled and walked into the living room.

A couple of seconds after, I followed.

Both Charlie and Olly's mouths were hung open.

", my little girl. You're so beautiful. definitely take after your mother." Olly said, winking at me, planting a kiss on Holly's forehead and walking over to me, wrapping an arm round my waist as I leant my head on his shoulder, watching our beautiful girl.

"Holly, you look lovely." Charlie managed to say after a while.

She giggled again and blushed. "So do you." she shyly said.

I looked outside and saw...a horse drawn carriage. Wow. He must really like Hol.

"mum! I'm going in a horse drawn carriage! like you did for your wedding!" She squealed, looking out the window.

I laughed. "You too have a good night, we'll pick you up later."

we took a couple of pictures of them, and of us as well, before they went into the carriage and trotted away.

"She's growing up so quickly. How did we manage to make such a beautiful daughter?" Olly said, pulling me down on the couch so I was sitting on his lap.

I shrugged. "Two ugly parents make a good looking child." I joked and he fake gasped.

"I am beautiful, no matter what you say!" he sang dramatically.

I laughed and shook my head, planting a small kiss on his lips.



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