chapter seven:

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Olly’s P.O.V.

We arrived at the hospital, Issy tugged me back. “I can’t, Olly.” “Do you want to stay in the car, gorgeous?” I said to her. She shook her head “I promise Issy, I’ll be there. Right beside you.” She held onto my hand and grabbed hold of my arm. We got to Scott’s room and I saw Esmé holding Scott’s hand, repeating ‘I love you’. It made my heart break. I went straight to Esmé and gave her a hug. “I’m so sorry” she gave me the longest hug. She thanked me for coming. I looked over to Scott’s body and sat on the chair nearest the bed. “I’ll take care of her, Sir. I’ll make sure your Princess is safe, and I’ll make sure she is loved every second of the day.” I shot my eyes over to Issy, she and her mum were both smiling at me, but crying at the same time. I sat in the chair and Issy came and sat on my lap, she was crying into my chest. I pulled her closer, I didn’t want to let go of her. I had tears rolling down my eyes, I hated seeing her family like this. Scott’s body was so, lifeless, literally. The silence was disturbed when Keira clambered through the door. Issy jumped off my lap and I stood up. “Esmé I’m so so-“ her eyes darted to Issy. “I thought I told you to stay away from Olly?” how could she be so selfish? I was about to say something but Esmé beat me to it. “Keira do not talk like that to my daughter. She and Olly are friends and you banning them from seeing one another is ridiculous. You cannot control them. They’re both adults and can do what they like. Now, if you don’t mind, I’d like you to leave.” She moved to the door, opened it, and Keira slammed it behind her. ‘Thank you’ I mouthed to her, she smiled. “I’m going to leave you kids for a minute, I’ll be back soon.” She exited the room. Issy crashed into my arms again. I picked her up and sat her on my lap like last time. She never took her eyes off Scott, permanently fixed on him. I lifted her chin with my fingers. “I love you”. Before she had time to reply our lips were touching. “Not interrupting am i?” Issy quickly pulled away and was blushing. “no, no” I replied. Esmé quickly followed behind. “we’re ready when you are” the doctor said. They were taking him to the morgue until the funeral, where he would be buried. Issy ran off me and straight into her mum’s arms. Esmé held her hand out, I took it and she pulled me in. we were in a group hug, and then they took him away. I broke away and offered to take them home, she accepted and left the hospital. “Bye Olly, thank you for everything.” “I’m only a phone call away.” She nodded and went inside. It was just Issy and I. “I mean it, Issy, Keira isn’t stopping me from seeing you now, I’m only a phone call away.” She looked down and smiled. “Come here” I pulled her closer and kissed her. “I love you” she said, quietly, and leapt out of the car; which left me smiling as I drove home.

Issy’s P.O.V.

Two weeks had passed without dad. I haven’t been out, I have hardly eaten anything, and I have hardly talked to anyone. Keira had moved out and went to live in Scotland with her aunt and uncle. I missed her so much, but it was best. She had a job out there and she said she’d come back and visit soon. I don’t know if they’re still a couple or not, he hasn’t said anything. I don’t want to ask to be honest. Olly had been helping mum plan Dad’s funeral. I didn’t even want to think about it. *knock knock* I groaned and someone entered. “How are you feeling beautiful?” “Olly? What are you doing here?” I asked him, looking up at his beautiful face. “I’ve literally been here 24/7, I haven’t been to my flat in a week. I bet it’s missing me.” he jokingly said, laughing at his own joke. I got up and walking out the door. “I’m going to have a shower.” I said, “Finally.” Olly said, winking at me. I whipped him with my towel and closed the door.

I went downstairs and saw mum surrounding by papers on the table. She looked exhausted. “and finally she comes down!” Mum exclaimed. Olly turned around and kiss on the cheek. “None of that please.” Mum said, I rolled my eyes, Olly smiled. “sweetie, we’ve set a date for the funeral. 29th October” she said, hiding the tears from her eyes. “Your anniversary.” I said. “Y-yes, 25 years.” She had more tears rolling down her face. I went over and gave her a hug, so did Olly. He held her hand and she smiled at us. “I feel like you’re part of the family, Olly, with all you’ve done.” “Maybe one day.” He said, winking. She laughed, I hit him on the arm.

love at first sight // olly mursWhere stories live. Discover now