chapter fifty five:

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Olly's P.O.V.

"I swear to god, if you don't tell me where my son is I will-" "ma'am, he's in room 201." I suddenly heard the door open, and in came Mum. "Oh Olly!" She said, running over to me, attacking me with kisses. "Mum, I'm fine." She nodded. "Your fathers parking the car. Morning Issy." I looked to the left of me, Issy was beginning to wake up. "M-morning." She yawned and stretched her arms. "How're you feeling?" I shrugged. "Better than before."

"What happened?" My mum asked after a while. Before I could speak, Issy did. "My ex, came and he punched Olly. I'm so so sorry!" Issy held onto my hand, bringing it to her face. I stretched my palm out and caressed her cheek. "oh honey it's not your fault." Mum said, giving Issy's shoulders a hug. I bit my lip to stop myself from laughing.

We heard a knock at the door, and Dad came in. "Oliver. What are we gonna do with you?" I managed a laugh and he gave me a hug. "Hiya Issy." she smiled at him and gave him a hug over the bed. 

They stayed for an hour until they decided to leave. "We'll see you soon. Remember, tour!" and they let. Shit. "The tour!" I said, mentally slapping myself. "You'll be fine." Issy said, I nodded and kissed her. "I'm going to get going. I'll see you later. I love you."

A couple of minutes later there was a knock on the door. "Mr Murs, your brother is here to see you." 

My brother? But I haven't seen Ben since...the door opened slightly, my eyes peeled to the door.

It wasn't Ben. It was David.

"Get out." I said, pointing to the door.

He shut the door and smirked. "That's not gonna happen." 

"What are you doing here? You do know I'm in a hospital, right? You can't hurt me here, because then you'll just get arrested." His smile faded. 

"I'm not going to hurt you. I just want words." 

Words? What the hell. "I'm listening..."

"Number one, stay away from Issy. She's mine and-"

"I'm no-"

"No interrupting. She's mine and she always will be. Deep down inside, she'll realise that she's in love with me. Like the first time we met, I just knew she fell in love with me. So just back off."

"Me?! Me back off?! She's my fiance. She's in love with me. You had your chance, but you blew that when you decided to take advantage of her and hurt her! Unlike you, I'd never hurt her. She's my world. She's everything I've ever wanted. So buddy, how about you back off." I stood my ground.

He laughed. He took a step closer to me. What if he did hurt me? I can't do anything? I'm lying in a hospital bed because of him. I can't stand up because if I do, I'll throw up and collapse. "You have no idea what I'm capable of doing." He grabbed my leg and started putting pressure on it. I tried to be strong, but I couldn't. I winced at the pain, which made him push harder. "S-stop." I moaned in agony. 

"Dinnnnner!" The older nurse said, bringing in a tray with food. David took his hand off my leg and stepped back. "Well get better soon, bro. I'll see you later." He opened the door, taking one more look at me, before sniggering. "Pussy." and he shut the door.

I sighed, trying to fight the pain. "Mr Murs? Are you okay?" The nurse said. I nodded but she clearly wasn't convinced as she immediately looked down at my leg. "Oh my." she said, before hurrying off. I looked down at my leg, noticing it was slightly bent and bleeding. "Oh fuck." I whispered to myself, it hurt so much. 'C'mon Murs, man up.' I thought to myself. I can't. I put my head back on the pillow, and fell into unconciousness. 


love at first sight // olly mursWhere stories live. Discover now