chapter twenty nine:

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Issy's P.O.V.

"Oh my god..Issy?" I heard a voice say from outside the door. I must of drifted off, but from the shouting from outside I was immediatley woken up. I recognised the voice. Keira. She burst in, looking shocked and guilty. "Issy, oh my goodness, are you okay?" she said, pulling me into a hug. I winced at the pain and she immediately broke away. "I'm so sorry.. are you okay Is?" I slowly nodded. "Keira what are you doing here?" She sat down on the seat next to the hospital bed. "It's all over the newspapers Is. I just had to come. After.. you know what they did to you. When I found out I wanted to kill them. I'm so sorry about before. I miss you so much! I miss my bestfriend more than anything." she pulled me into another hug, but this one more meaningful. "Love you, Kei." I said, she smiled. "Love you too, Is." Just as she pulled away, Olly came in, but without Holly and Scott. "Issy, mum said not to let the kids come- Keira?" Olly said, looking as shocked as I was. "Hey Olly.." she said, walking up. She shook his hand and sat back down. "I hope this is okay Olly.. it's just I was around when her aunt and uncle, you know.. I regret every second I was away." Olly laughed. "It's not my decision." she awkwardly laughed and grabbed my hand. I laughed. "Hey Kei, I'm fine!" she laughed and let go of my hand. Olly was standing in the corner, awkwardly. "Come here, loser." i said, holding my hand out. He took it and kissed my forehead. "Mum said she'll bring them along later this evening." Olly said, placing his hand in mine. I nodded and turned to Keira. "So, what's new?" and that's where it all started. 

"I'm so happy you're happy Issy. I should of never gotten in the way of you two, you two are perfect for each other! You have two beautiful kids and you have the perfect life. I'm so happy for you!" Keira said, hugging me again. I was about to reply when I heard one massive snore coming from the right of me. I looked over, and Olly was sleeping on the bed, snoring. Keira and I looked at each other, and burst out laughing. Olly shot up, with his sleepy look. "W-what?" he said. "How's my little snory snorison?" I said, rubbing his cheeks. He went red and hit my arm. "Shut up, you two were rattling on about some shit and I fell asleep!" Olly said, burying his head in his hands. "Right Is, I better be going! Ethan's probably missing me." she said, winking at me. "Hey Kei, you'll find Mr Right soon. Just don't give up. I didn't." I said, holding Olly's hand. He kissed it and smiled. "I'll see you soon?" Keira said. I nodded. "Bye Olly!" she said, kissing his cheek. "Bye Keira. It was nice to see you." she smiled and left. "That was..nice." Olly said, after Keira left. "Olly I think I might of got my best friend back." I said, smiling. He kissed me and sat back down. A few seconds later, there was a knock on the door. At the time, Olly was kissing me. "So it really is you." a voice said, entering. Olly quickly pulled away and we both stared at the door. "Mark?!" I said. He nodded and smiled. "Hello you!" he said, pulling me into a hug. I quickly pulled away and grabbed Olly's hand. "How have you been?!" he said, completely ignoring the fact that Olly was here. "Um, yeah, not bad. You?" he sighed. "Mhmm, bit lonely! Haven't had a, you know, girlfriend since you." I looked at Olly, who was looking down at his hands, after unlinking them with mine. "Would you like to, erm, you know, get some dinner sometime?" Mark said. I nearly spat out my drink. "Ex-excuse me?" I said. "Dinner, then?" he said. I coughed. "Can I bring my boyfriend with me?" I said, pointing to Olly. Olly suddenly looked up, looking smug at Mark. "Oh, I, erm.. sorry." and he quickly left. "I'm so sorry about that." I said. He laughed and got up. "I love you millions." he said, kissing me. "" I said, during the kisses. We were again interrupted by people knocking on the door. "What?" I snapped. Olly laughed. "It's just us!" Olly's mum said. I put my hand on my forehead. "Sorry!" I said, they laughed and entered. "MUMMY!" Holly said, running over to me. "Hello beautiful!" I said, hoisting her up onto the bed, giving her a kiss. Olly got Scott and put him on the bed. "How're you feeling?" Olly's dad asked me. I shrugged. "Terrified." he came over and kissed me on the head. "We're all here for you." i smiled and thanked them. 

1 hour later, visiting times were over and everyone left. "I'll see you later, I'm going to stay for the night." Olly said to his parents. "Olly no, go home." I said. He shook his head. "I'm not leaving you alone, again." I sighed and waved them off. "I'm sorry but I'm not letting you out of my sight. You're stuck with me now." I laughed. "Great." I said, sarcastically. I moved over in the bed, leaving a space for Olly. He got in, and cuddled me to sleep. "Thank you." I said, talking into his chest. "For what?" He replied. "Saving me." I replied, kissing his chest. "I'd do anything for you, you're my world, my princess, my everything. I love you so so much. I said I wouldn't let anyone hurt you, and it didn't work. I'm so sorry." He hugged me tighter, like he never wanted to let me go. "Loosen the grip Ols, suffocating here." I said, and he did. "Never. I love you, now go to bed. See you in the morning baby." I said, kissing him. "Sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite." "Such an idiot!" He laughed and started humming a song, Right Place Right Time, which sent me to a deep sleep. 

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