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- years later -

"You look absolutely beautiful."

She blushed and looked in the mirror. "Thanks, mum."

So... My daughter is getting married. Feeling old is an understatement.

Guess who she's marrying? Charlie.

Yeah, they've been together since she was 12. She's 24 now. 12 years they've been together.

They've broken up, a million times. They've even been engaged, twice...but broke it off. Sound like someone? Yeah...she takes after her mum and dad.

Me and Olly? We're still together. Happy as ever. Scott is now 17, he's a ladies man. You know..million girlfriends every week. Popular boy. Everybody wants to be friends with him, every girl wants to date him. He bought a girl here, god knows who she is. I never meet any of his 'girlfriends'. He's still a mummy's boy though.

Olly and I have more children... We have 5 year old twins... Yeah, twins... A boy and a girl. Archie and Amelie. They're both beautiful. Starting primary school in September. They have Olly's eyes, my nose and Olly's cheekiness. Holly loves being an older sister to 2 boys and a girl, and Scott loves being an older brother. He gets all protective over them both, but more over Amelie.

Olly's career? He retired. Just before the twins were born. He'd been at his career for good years, and he believed it was time to stop. There were some tears, but everyone mainly understood. He had a family to take care of. You never know...he could reappear when he's 60.

But for now, our beautiful daughter is going to walk down the aisle, and marry her childhood sweetheart. Oh and did I mention? She's 3 months pregnant. So we're going to be grandparents...yeah, we're feeling very old.

I remember when Hol told me she was pregnant. She was creeping around me like no ones business. And then after two days, when Olly was out one night, she crawled into bed with me after staying round for a night, and told me. She thought I'd be disappointed with her. Of course not! I can't wait.

"You ready?" I asked her as she twirled, looking at her reflection in the mirror again.

"I'm scared. What if he's not there? What if he got cold feet? What if he leaves me at the altar? What if-"

"Stop it! He loves you. He's loved you from the day he set eyes on you 12 years ago. Now stop, and get prepared to get married. You look beautiful sweetie. I'm so incredibly proud of you. Can't believe my little baby is getting married!" She smiled and turned away.

"Stop! You're gonna make me cry and we both know if I'm gonna cry, you're gonna cry!"

I laughed and nodded, kissing her cheek. "I'll see you later, Daddy's gonna walk you down. Good luck."

I turned around, not wanting to cry. But she grabbed onto my hand.

"Thank you mummy, for everything. I love you."

I smiled. "I love you too."


Olly's POV

Okay, this was it. I'm giving my beautiful daughter away. This is the first time I've actually seen her in her wedding dress, make up and hair done perfectly. Issy said I wasn't allowed to see...rude.

I take a deep breath, opening the door and revealing my daughter, in white.

"Holly..." I started, but couldn't finish before she turned around and ran up to me, cuddling me.

"Hey Daddy."

"Sweetie...you look...breathtaking. I can't believe it. Charlie's one lucky man. I'm so proud of you."

She blushed and kissed my cheek. "Stop! You and mum are both making me cry!"

I chuckled and grabbed her hand. "Are you ready?"

She took a deep breath in and nodded. "Ready as i'll ever be."

She linked her arm with mine as we walked out the door and into the church. The processional music started playing and everyone stop up. Charlie's best man turned around, whispering something to Charlie and he hit him. good for him.

We got to the end of the aisle, and I kissed her cheek and gave away my little girl, to the man who made her happy. I turned around and took a seat next to Issy, with Archie on my right and Amelie to Issy's left. I held her hand, as she already started crying. I handed her a tissue and she smiled in gratitude.

Sometime later, they finished their vows, and the rings were placed on each others fingers.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss your bride!" Holly smiled and threw up her hands, wrapping her arms around Charlie's neck, kissing him.

I remember her first kiss with Charlie. I remember watching them from the window before Issy came and dragged me away.

That seems so long ago.

Who knows. In a few years, it might be Scott's turn to get married. Or maybe even Archie and Amelie.

But for now, I've got the perfect wife, perfect four children and a perfect life.

love at first sight // olly mursWhere stories live. Discover now