chapter thirty four:

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Olly's P.O.V.

I woke myself up snoring too loudly. I hate it when that happens. I got up from the uncomfortable couch and made my way to the kitchen. I put on the kettle and made a cup of coffee. When it was ready and I moved back into the living room and sat down, switching on the news. 

I was sat there for a good 30 minutes and I heard Issy grunting from upstairs. I rolled my eyes and continued watching the news. She came down the stairs, minutes later, wrapped in her duvet. "Olly?" she said. I coughed and she walked in. "Olly I feel so ill." she said, plonking herself next to me, resting her head on my shoulder. "Not my problem." I bluntly replied, getting up, leaving her to fall on the sofa. She got up and followed me to the kitchen. "What's wrong?" I laughed to myself. "You were all over that Josh kid." I said, putting my mug in the sink. "How did you..." she asked. "Keira." I replied. "Spending time with Keira now, are we? Well I hope you're happy together." What was she on about? "Issy, wait." I said, grabbing her arm pulling her into me. "Olly, I was drunk..I never kissed him I swear." I smiled. "I know. Keira also told me that." she laughed and covered her face with her duvet. "Now..." I said, moving my hands to my pockets. I got down on one knee. She covered her grinning smile. "Issy, please marry me?" I asked, popping the ring out. "Something tells me this has happened before..." she says, smiling. I laughed and put my hand on my head, laughing at the thought. "Yes!" she said, kissing me passionately. "I love you so much." she said, as I placed the ring on her finger. "Olly.. what about Australia?" she said, hugging me. "We'll make it work." I said, nearly crying. I picked her up, bridal style, and took her into the bedroom. 

Issy's P.O.V.

"Issy, it's beautiful!" Jane, my colleague said to me, holding my hand looking at the ring. "He's done well." Sarah said. "Congratulations!!!" a couple more people said. "Yes, yes congratulations but Issy's got a trip to prepare for!" Matt said, rushing me into his office. I sat down. "You sure you're ready to do this? It's a massive step for your career." I nodded, I wanted to go. "brilliant, well here are your tickets, you leave in three weeks." "Three weeks?!" I said, looking at the tickets. Ooh, first class. "Brilliant." And I left. I went back to my desk and searched the place where I'd be staying. One word. Beautiful. Wow. Holy... My phone beeped and I got it out. It was a text from Olly.

"Heya gorgeous, are you free? xxxxx"

I looked up and saw Matt looking down. "Going outside to get a coffee." I shouted to him. He stuck his thumbs up and I left. I rang him, and he answered straight away. "Hiya gorgeous." he said. "hello you." I said. "One coffee please." I asked the man at the coffee stand. He nodded and I handed him the money. "So what's up?" "I got a couple of things to tell you... Firstly, in two weeks...Sarah wants us to go on All Star Mr and Mrs..." "But we're not even married?!" "I know, I said that! So what do you think?" "Yeah sure, why not?" he laughed. "and the second thing.. Guess who's going on tour soon?!" "Hmm, One Direction?" he sarcastically laughed. "me, me, me, meeeee!" he sang. "Proud of you, Murs." "Thanks babe. I need to ask you something, but i'm going to do it in person. I'll see you later, love you." "Love you too, weirdo." he blew a raspberry over the phone and hung up. I walked back into the office and sat back at my desk. "Everything okay?" Jane said, peaking over her desk. "Yeah, yeah." I said. I decided I wasn't going to tell anyone about the show yet, it is my first time on TV that I know of. I laughed to myself and got back to work. 

Olly's P.O.V.

I decided I'd go and pick Holly up from school and then Scott up from nursery. I got in my car and drove to her school. I thought I'd be bombarded by fans but surprisingly there wasn't many. A couple heads turned but carried on. "Daddy!" she screamed, running up to me. I picked her up and tickled her. "Hello beautiful! You're getting too heavy for Daddy to carry you!" i said, winking at her, putting her down. Her teacher came over to me. "she's been wonderful today, very helpful. However, a girl bit her on her arm and she started crying and well, she didn't stop. But she's okay now, but if there's anything you're concerned about, just tell us." I thanked her and we left. "are you okay, beautiful?" she nodded. "let's go and pick up your brother." she clapped and we made our way to there. "Daddy!" Scott said, crawling up to me. "I thought you could walk, little man." i said, winking at him. He laughed. "he's been fine, a little teary. But he's fine." I thanked her and left. 

I got them out of the car and made our way to the door. Issy was already at home, spread out on the sofa with a glass of wine. "Mummy!" Holly said, jumping on her. "Heyyyy!" Issy said. "Go get your pj's on." and she did. "Take your brother with you!" Issy shouted. "So, Murs, what did you want to talk to me about?" I sat down and kissed her. "What's going to happen with the kids?" "What do you mean?" "Are they staying here with me or going with you?" she sighed. "let's not think about that now." "But Issy, we haave to-" she cut me off. "Olly, please." I nodded and left the room to go upstairs. I slightly open Holly's door, to see her dressing Scott into his pjs, and then she got herself changed. I can't let them leave me and go with Issy, they're the only thing thta's keeping me sane. 


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