chapter seventy two:

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"I'm so sorry, Mrs Murs. You've had a miscarriage."

Those words keep playing over in my head for the millionth time. I've lost my baby. My baby is gone.

I sit at the kitchen table, with a cup of coffee in my hand, staring down at the ultrasound picture of my baby, who is now gone.

I need Olly. I want Olly. He's at a stupid meeting, but should be back soon.

Just as I finish my coffee, he comes through the door.

Olly's P.O.V.

Ugh. What a boring day. That meeting went on forever.

"Issy, I'm home!" I shouted as i walked through the door.

"I'm going to bed." She said, walking straight past me and up the stairs.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing. Just leave me alone." She replied. Shit. She knows about Keira and I. How? Oh shit.

"Issy, wait! I'm sorry, okay! It was one kiss!"

Her head snapped round and she stopped walking. "W-what?"

"Keira. She kissed me. I pushed her off because I love you! You're my wife and I love you so much. I swear I was going to tell you but I just didn't know how! I'm so sorry!"

She was silent. No words were coming out of her mouth. Her eyes were stuck on me, I felt so guilty. She shook her head and opened her mouth.

"I've had a miscarriage! Yeah Olly, we've lost our baby and now I find out that my husband is out kissing other girls! Thanks for that, Olly." She said, running into the bedroom and locking the door.

I've lost my baby? We've lost our baby? was so healthy. Right? I can't believe we've lost our baby...

"Is? I'm so sorry. Please, just let me in. We need to be together." She didn't reply, but I could hear her crying. "Issy, come on! I'm beat down this door and you know I will." Again, no reply. Just sniffles.

I sat down against the door and put my head in my hands. How could I be so stupid? Well...I didn't really do anything with Keira. It was mostly her.

"And under us, the river subsides for you.

Whenever you cry, look above, the angels will fly for you,

'Cause you're the one.

Who calls on me, for all of the dark you fear.

And I am here, to start a new, if all you do comes undone.

'Cause you're the one." I sang softly at the door. I heard the lock moving and the door opened. As I was leaning on the door, I fell into the room. Issy was standing looking down at me, trying to hide her grin. I got up and instantly gave her a cuddle.

"I love you, okay?"

She nodded slowly, as I wiped her tears.

"We're going to get through this together, and I'm never leaving you. We're a team, right?" She laughed.

"I love you." she simply said, as she planted a kiss on my lips.

love at first sight // olly mursWhere stories live. Discover now