chapter fifty:

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Issy's P.O.V.

I woke up to the sound of my alarm, beeping. I rolled over and saw the time: 7:00am. I got out of bed and pulled on my dressing gown. I walked into Holly's room, gently shaking her. "Hols, wake up, shool time." I left and went to Scott's room, who was rolling around. "Hello beautiful! You ready to go and see nanny?" he clapped his hands and I got him changed. I picked him up, carrying him down the stairs, putting him into his highchair and feeding him his breakfast. "Mummy, where's Daddy?" Holly said, walking into the kitchen, dressed in her school uniform. "He's erm, he's staying round Nanny Vicky and Grandad Pete's house." I lied. She nodded and got some breakfast.

After I took Holly took school and Scott to mum's, I received a call from the police station, saying I should come down and bail Olly out. Such an idiot.

I pulled up outside the police station, seeing a couple of paps around. I put my hood up and walked into the police station. I went up to the reception, pulling down my hood. "I'm here for Olly Murs..." I began saying, before he pointed to the hallway. I thanked him and walked off. "Miss Davis?" a man called from behind me. I turned around and nodded. "I'm PC White, this way please." I followed him until we reached a corridor of about 10 doors. I took a seat while he went to unlock one of the doors. "Miss Davis is here for you." He said to Olly. "I thought I told you not to call her! She's gonna hate me, and then she's going to leave me. I can't lose her!" He said, thinking I wasn't here. I quietly walked up, PC White noticed. He laughed and moved out of the way. I saw Olly. "You're such an idiot." I said, running into the cell, into his arms. He grabbed my waist and picked me up, cuddling me. He put me down and cupped my cheeks. "I love you, you plonker." I said, kissing him. We heard a fake cough from outside the cell. We both turned around and saw the police officer standing there, looking awkward. We both completely forgot he was there. I giggled and took Olly's hand, leading him out of the cell.

"Thank you." Olly said, shaking the police officer's hand. He grabbed my hand and we headed outside. "You ready?" I knew exactly what he was talking about. "Mhmm." I mumbled, pulling our hoods up. We opened the doors, BAM. Flashes everywhere. People with microphones. Asking questions. Olly led, pulling me out of the crowds and into my car. "I'm sorry about that." He mumbled, putting his seatbelt on. "Not your fault." I replied, kissing his cheek.

We got home to see a pile of magazines that have been posted through our door. There was a little note on top of it. I picked up the bundle of magazines and threw them on the kitchen table, while Olly read the note. "What does it say?" He didn't reply. I prodded him in the waist. "Whaaaa- sorry, was reading!" He said, I giggled. "It says; Olly, well done for getting arrested yesterday. Real good for your image. I've arranged an interview today at 2 so you can say it was all a big misunderstand - you were with the One Direction boys and had a beer and yeah, you understand. Take a look at the magazines. Some of them are funny. But this is no laughing matter. See you at 2, Sarah x"

Olly put down the letter and walked into the kitchen, me trailing behind him. He picked up the first magazine which read: "Olly Murs on the verge of a breakdown?" And a picture of him looking rough walking into the police station. He scoffed and threw it down and picked up another one. "Murs lost his fiancé...4 times in a row?" And there was a picture of Olly and I from ages ago, when we...broke up and I have him back the ring. I glanced down at my ring. "Never." I mumbled to myself. "Hmm?" Olly said, kissing me forehead. "Never in a million years am I letting you go." I said, smiling. "Please don't leave me. I love you so much and I don't know what I'd do without you and the-" I shut him up by kissing his lips. "Never in a million years" I mumbled against his lips. "Come on." He said, grabbing my hand, lips still attached to mine. He let go of my hand and picked me up, my legs wrapped around his waist. He crashed into a couple of walls which made me giggle. "Shut up" he mumbled, lips still attached to mine. He walked up the stairs, still holding my bum and opened our bedroom door, slamming it behind him.

Olly and I collapsed on the bed, trying to catch our breathe. "My god have I missed that." he said, rolling to face me. I giggled. He kissed my nose and got up, putting on a baggy top and some trackies. "Please don't say you're going out like that..." He laughed. "Nah, I'm hungry." He walked out, and went down the stairs.

I grabbed a bit of my hair which was dangling down, sweeping it back. My hair catching on my engagement ring. I stare at it for a couple of minutes, before getting up, pulling on some knickers and one of Olly's tops. I walk downstairs, still gazing at it. I walk into the kitchen to find Olly fiddling with the grill, cooking bacon. I leant up against the door frame, admiring him. "What you staring at?" He said, clicking my out of my thoughts. "Olly, I wanna get married," he smiled, before I could finish. "Well it's a good thing we are then." he said, laughing. I shook my head. "I wanna get"


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