chapter sixty two:

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"Hey this is Issy...Sorry I can't get to the phone right now but I'll-"

"Fuck!" I shouted, throwing my phone on my bed. "What's wrong, Olly?" Darren muttered, sounding like I just woke him up.

"Issy isn't back...she isn't answering her phone." I looked at my phone, it was 11 in the evening. I got down from my bed and put on a t-shirt and my trackies.

"Olly don't do anything stupid." I scoffed.

"She's already done that." He shook his head and turned over.

I stepped out of the tour bus and let the cool April breeze hit me. I dialled Issy's number for the final time and held my phone to my ear. "Hey this is Issy...Sorry I can't-"

I walked over to Sarah's tour bus and knocked on the door. I heard crying. Sounded like...Issy. "Sarah! Sarah open this door, now!" I banged my fist on the door multiple times, before she finally opened it.

"Sarah, please tell me Issy's in there.." she looked behind her and nodded.

"Olly, she doesn't want to talk...Just wait until the morning to-" before she could finish I moved her to the side and went in. To see Issy, crying. With her head in her hands. Her shoulders shaking uncontrollably.

"Is...Issy come on, what's wrong?" I said, gripping her shoulders, shaking her slightly.

"Olly, need to sleep. You have a concert tomorrow." she quietly mumbled.

"I'm not going until you tell me what's wrong...Did that something?" She shook her head vigorously.

"No! No! Were you watching me?!" She screamed, before dropping her head again.

"You''re my fiance. I had a nightmare that you were...kissing someone else...he looked like him..." I dropped my head.

"He's..." she paused for a moment before continued, "He's my uncle. Dad's brother... He was just telling me about how they were growing up...I never really talked to him before. But he was telling me about when they used to grow up, they were so close. They used to do everything together. Pranks, everything. They were literally one. He looks so much like Dad. It's uncanny."

"Why...why didn't you tell me? I would have been there for you...You know I would have been there for you. I love you and I would drop everything in a heartbeat to comfort you." she shrugged her shoulders.

"You have a lot on. You have a sell-out arena tour. I didn't think you'd have enough time for me."

I shook my head, "Never. I love you so much, okay?" she nodded and smiled.

"I'd like you to meet Shawn. I think you two would be hilarious together." I nodded and took her hand.

"Thanks Sarah." I kissed her cheek and she smiled.

"See you tomorrow, kids." I laughed and exited the tour bus. Issy followed shortly after.

"I was going to sing 'Hey You Beautiful' to you on stage, but you weren't paying attention."

"I'm sorry...I will tomorrow." I smiled and kissed her.

"You better, Miss. Or there will be consequences." I grabbed her bum and kissed her temple.

"I like the sound of that." We got into the tour bus and everyone was sleeping. "Want to play a bit of FIFA?" she asked. I was literally speechless.

"Uh...You...You wanna play FIFA?" she nodded. "Oh it's on, Davis."

"Get ready to get your ass whipped, Murs."

"We'll see." I took off my top and trackies, leaving me with my boxers on.

She turned around and she sighed. "Not fair. That's a distraction."

"What? It's hot!" I lied. She nodded in agreement.

"You're right." She dropped the remote and took off her top and jeans, leaving her in her bra and knickers.

"Oh hell no." I muttered under my breath.

"Much better." She said, smirking. I tried to look away, but it was unbelievably hard.

"I'm not having this." I said, leaning over and pushing her onto the couch so she was lying on her back. She giggled. I kissed her, and she kissed me back, just as passionately.

"PDA!" we heard from behind us. I shot up as did Issy, to see the band standing there, smirking at us.

I threw Issy a blanket to put over her, while I tried to distract the boys from looking at her half naked.

"So...who wants to watch a movie?" they laughed but all agreed.

I looked at Issy, and so did she. she giggled. "I love you." I mouthed. She smiled.

"I love you more, loser." she mouthed back, until Rupert sat in the middle of us, with a bowl of popcorn.

"Cosy...isn't this?" He smirked. I punched him in the arm, and Issy did the same. "guys, ow? You could just ask me to move..."

We both looked at eachother and nodded. "MOVE." He gasped but got up and left.

I pulled her closer to me, as she rested her head on my chest. "This is cosy. Isn't it."



love at first sight // olly mursWhere stories live. Discover now