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— ARE YOU DUMPING ME!?—  I asked still shocked and with my eyes about to come out of their socket.

—I'm so sorry Louisa...— Zack answered my question —I think it's the best.

— THE BEST!?— I laughed bitterly — THE BEST FOR WHO ZACK?— he couldn't be doing this to me.

— for you!—he answered — for me too!

— NO!— I panted trying to get myself together —YOU CAN NOT DO THIS TO ME...— I refused to believe it —Sweetheart, Homecoming is just  around the corner...— I got closer to him and caressed his temple —and you and I want to go together, remember?— I changed my voice tone to a softer one —... as the gorgeous, perfect  couple we make— I took his hands and placed them just under my hips, and placed mine around his neck.

I stared into his stunning brown eyes. Zack was simply perfect. Stirring brown  eyes that no one would ever match, blond straight hair, light skin with multiple moles scattered in all his body, advertisement smile and a well built body that could take your breath away.

— you see?...— he moved away, taking his hands off of me— you only care about what other people say, what they think...— he stared at me —you only care about being popular...— he combed his hair with his hand — I want something more than that Louisa...— he got close once more  —I want something more than superficiality and sex— he placed his hand on my cheek —you're amazing— he smiled —but this isn't good for either of us...— he kissed my forehead, turned around and walked to his car.

- He dumped me?- I couldn't believe it . – HOW DARE HIM DO THAT?!? I'M LOUISA SMITH!- I yelled furious in my mind since I was still standing outside my house

I came in still shocked —This is not going to be left like this, I must do something about it — I yelled with fury

— What's wrong darling? — asked my mum worried while making dinner

— Zack broke up with me — I covered my face desperately 

—Oh darling...—she said —...shame, I liked him— she said not even paying attention to where I was

My boyfriend had just broken up with me and she just said " shame, i liked him"?!?, she couldn't be colder, just because it was summer.

—Yes... shame huh— I said about to go upstairs.

—Come on Louisa he isn't the only guy out there, look for another one— you see what I mean when I say she's cold? —Why don't you call your girl friends and spend the evening with them

—Sounds great— 'if only I had some' I finished the sentence bitterly in my mind.

Let's say making girl friends isn't for me. Why should I do it anyway? they are utterly unnecessary when you have every guy in school checking you out, and of course the captain of the football team basically in the palm of your hands. It won't take long for Zack to be back begging me to get back together.

I went to my room upstairs and threw my purse to the pink sofa at the end of my bed I took off my shoes on the way to my bed, grabbed my mobile and threw myself in my dreamy bed

—Christian— I said when I heard him answering his usual "Sup" on the other side of the phone. Maybe I didn't have girl friends, but I had Christian. He is my best friend since we were infants. 

—Louisa — he answered using the same voice tone I had used with him.

—I need you...— I told him

— What's wrong?— he asked worried

— Can you come to my place?— I answered with another question

—Sure... I'll be there in 5.

I had been laying down staring at the window, when I heard two knockes on my door, turned and saw Christian coming in.

—Is everything ok?— he asked while I was changing positions so that he could sit on the bed.

—No...anything is ok— I answered with a serious face

—Tell me everything...— he laughed

— Zack dumped me...— I told him everything, but far from getting moral support I only got a big load laugh in my face

— What?!— I yelled without understanding anything

—Ignore me...—he smiled —Go on.

—He said that I only cared about what others think of us, and that he wants something more that superficiality and sex. 

— Did he actually say that?— he asked me surprised — How does it feel Louisa?— he laughed and I just tried to understand his question— How does it feel that someone doesn't want to have sex with you?

—You're an asshole Christian...— I said angrily —I called you so that you would help me out or make me feel better and you just came to make fun of me in my face?!?— I sat down in my bed turning my back at him

— Louisa, what do you want me to say? You want me to tell you that he is an asshole? you want me to beat the hell out of him when he's just saying the truth?— He stood up while I was just closing my eyes with my arms crossed—Louisa, you're only mad because he was the one to break up with you, because no one has ever dumped you, the great and popular Louisa Smith.

— Christian— I interrupted

—Hey, you're my friend, and I love you, that's why I'm telling this to you...— he came to me and gave me a hug— your pretty face and smoking hot body won't last forever — he whispered in my ear, kissed my cheek and then walked to the door.

—Thanks Idiot... you really did help me a lot — I told him with sarcasm in my voice

— I love you too—I heard him from the hall and couldn't help but laugh.

I spent all night thinking about what Christian said. He was probably right, Zack was probably just a whim of mine.It was the first time anybody had dumped me. Normally I  was the one getting bored of them and left them as easy as that, plus, it was true, and pretty face and a hot body won't last forever.

So I have to take advantage of it while it lasts.

You changed my life.-Jake GyllenhaalDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora