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—Yes, I got it — he said annoyed

—It's just insane Jake— I was still shocked, Jared laughed and went upstairs.

—I don't need you to take her, you said it she's my SIS-TER, my responsibility — she wasn't his responsibility, she was her parents responsibility, which I  haven't  met yet.

— What?— I laughed  — so that Jenn comes back with bags full of leather jackets and black boots?— I said- hell no.

—I thought I was clear when I told you I didn't want you in my life, well in theirs either—he said

—Too late—I told him walking to the stairs, since Jennifer was talking so long to come back here. 

— Ready?—I asked her  

— Yes!— she said excitedly

I opened my bag to look for my car keys and remembered I gave them to Christian, I turned to Jake and he was staring at me with a smile on his face, he knew I didn't have my car with me right now 

—Give me your keys—I told him and he laughed  

— Are you crazy?

—No—I smiled hypocritically —Give them to me— I repeated but he didn't move a finger 

—I won't give you anything— he crossed his arms —either I take you, or you don't go 

—Jennifer— I said with a soft voice —wait fro me in the car darling, ok? —I told the little cutie and she just say yes and started her way to the car — Are you sure you won't give them to me? — I walked closer to him

— Are you deaf?— he asked as I was still walking closer to him

—No, I heard you — I affirmed —but I know you'll change your mind — I smiled 

—You don't know anything ...— he didn't finish his sentence when I placed my hands behind his neck making him get closer to my lips, his lips started dancing with mine in a passionate kiss, but in a matter of seconds he moved his face. 

— What?—he laughed bitterly — you think that with a kiss you'll get what you want?

—I don't know— I smiled as I got closer to his neck —you tell me— I told him as I started leaving little kisses on his neck 

—You're pathetic—he laughed —you know...— I didn't let him finish when I had already taken the keys from his pocket. He was static as I practically stopped and started to walk away from him shaking  the keys.

— How did you do that?— I didn't even got all the way out when he grabbed my arm not letting me get out of the house.

—I'm smarter that you think — I gave him a quick kiss on the lips making him frown his forehead, and just ran away from him and got in the car as fast as I could.  

I got in the car and started to drive.

— Where are we going?— Jennifer asked smiley

—We are going to go to the mall — I told her —and look for the cutest dress 

Our journey to the mall had been so much fun, Jennifer  was asking me all this things kids always ask, what was my favorite color, favorite animal, etc. Unlike her brother she did want to meet me.

We looked in every store, and didn't get out of any of them without at least a bag of something. 

We sat down to rest a little because we were so tired.

—Louisa we were supposed to buy only one dress— the little one said  laughing

—I got a little carried away — I laughed

— Did you like them?— I asked her while we were on our way to her house. 

—A lot— she answered with a nice smile —my mommy liked them with a lot of flowers— liked?  — Jake says she's in heaven... —she said staring out the window, a felt a knot forming in my throat. —...with daddy, taking care of us— I smiled —she'd really like the dresses you bought for me—she turned to see me and all I was trying to do was fight the tears that  wanted to come out of my eyes. 

—Of course she would gorgeous.

You changed my life.-Jake GyllenhaalDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora